Monday, April 3, 2017

Upload muliple files via AngularJS to Laravel Controller

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I have

enter image description here

Browse files button

<input type="file" upload-files multiple /> 

Create Button

<button class="btn btn-link" ng-click="store()" >Create</button> 


myApp.directive('uploadFiles', function () {     return {         scope: true,         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {             element.bind('change', function (event) {                 var files =;                 for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {                     scope.$emit("seletedFile", { file: files[i] });                 }             });         }     }; }); 

Listen for the file selected

$scope.files = []; $scope.$on("seletedFile", function (event, args) {      console.log("event is ", event);     console.log("args is ", args);      $scope.$apply(function () {         $scope.files.push(args.file);     });  }); 

Post data and selected files.

$ = function() {      $scope.model = {       name: $,       type: $scope.type     };      $http({         method: 'POST',         url: '/image/store',         headers: { 'Content-Type': undefined },         transformRequest: function (data) {             console.log("data coming into the transform is ", data);             var formData = new FormData();             formData.append("model", angular.toJson(data.model));             for (var i = 0; i < data.files; i++) {                 formData.append("file" + i, data.files[i]);             }             return formData;         },          data: { model: $scope.model, files: $scope.files }      })       .then(function successCallback(response) {         console.log("%cSuccess!", "color: green;");         console.log(response);         $scope.refresh();         $scope.showModal = false;         }, function errorCallback(response) {         console.log("%cError", "color: red;");         console.log(response);     }); }; 


In my console, I don't see my files got pass on to my controller in the back-end.

array:1 [   "model" => "{"type":"wedding"}" ] 


What steps did I forget ?

How would one go about and debug this further ?

I'm opening to any suggestions at this moment.

Any hints / suggestions / helps on this be will be much appreciated !

4 Answers

Answers 1

Here some suggestions for you:

  1. Make the Content-type sets to multipart/form-data to set the content type to something like.... "it has some part in it, please make sure you get it properly" thing.
  2. Use Axios. Here's a working examples (if you didn't use Axios, this example are good too). Example to Axios on Uploading File.

Answers 2

I've done several angular 1 projects and also find it is not simple to upload files via $http api. Hope below code snippet which i used in my projects may help you.

$ = function() {   var formData = new FormData();    // add normal properties, the name should be the same as   // what you would use in a html form   formData.append('model[name]', $;   formData.append('model[type]', $scope.type);    // add files to form data.   for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files; i++) {     formData.append('file' + i, $scope.files[i]);   }    // Don't forget the config object below   $'/image/store', formData, {     transformRequest: angular.identity,     headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}   }).then(function() {     // ...   }); }; 

Answers 3

You can use FormData instead

var formData = new FormData();    formData.append('model[var]', $scope.var);    // For add to the FormData other file   for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files; i++) {     formData.append('file' + i, $scope.files[i]);   }   // POST REQUEST MUST BE:   $'url', formData, {     transformRequest: angular.identity,  //It is for allowing files     headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}     }).then(function(response)    {     // verify if response get 200   }); 

Answers 4

I am not very experienced in Angular, so I'm assuming that your front-end works.

Debugging Tip Create a PHP file called...I dunno...file_dump.php. In that file, put this code:

<?php     echo "<pre>"     print_r($_REQUEST)     echo "</pre>" ?> 

and submit your form to that. That will show you all your request data. If you do not see your files in the output, it is a problem with your JavaScript. Since I am not that good at Angular, I'm going to point you to this link: link to multiple file upload tutorial using Angular. These guys seem to know what they're doing.

If you do see your files in the file_dump.php output, it's a problem with your backend - Laravel. This, I can help you with, but I need to see your scripts for me to be helpful in this aspect.

Please do post the results of file_dump.php.

Also, are you using the correct methods for fetching files? Link. If not, then we have found our culprit...


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