I am using such gems:
gem "omniauth-yandex" gem 'devise'
My setup.
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :omniauth_callbacks => "callbacks" }
Devise initializer:
config.omniauth :yandex, Rails.application.secrets.client_id , Rails.application.secrets.password, callback_url: "http://cb2bcdc4.ngrok.io/users/auth/yandex/callback"
User model:
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:yandex] def self.from_omniauth(auth) where(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid).first_or_create do |user| user.provider = auth.provider user.uid = auth.uid user.email = auth.info.email user.password = Devise.friendly_token[0,20] end end
class CallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController def yandex #empty end end
<%= link_to "Sign in with Yandex", user_yandex_omniauth_authorize_path, id: "sign_in" %>
When I click "Sign in with Yandex" my application prompts for user permission and then redirects back to my application. User is created in my database with such fields-- e-mail,provider, uid. But I would like to have also access_token, refresh_token and expires_at because I am using few Yandex API's.
When I httlog'ed above action (From clicking "Sign in .." to the redirect back to my application) I received these results:
D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.091838 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Connecting: oauth.yandex.ru:443[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.266645 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Sending: POST http://oauth.yandex.ru:443/token[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.267040 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Data: client_id=097253682f9f41289ec5exxxxxxx&client_secret=xxxxxxdb4fxx0eadcbb8a4143&code=xxxxx327&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fcb2bcdc4.ngrok.io%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fyandex%2Fcallback%3Fstate%xxxxxxxxxxx%26code%xxxx[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.410712 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Status: 200[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.410945 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Benchmark: 0.143445 seconds[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.411168 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Response: {"token_type": "bearer", "access_token": "xxxxxxxxuyBwtcyAFjkBZo3F3MCiIaTI", "expires_in": 31528753, "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxClSH:Pts0u-Mfls-vdEc7-zTOod9ZWzegNFRxxxxxxxxxxxxxKHpwsqBFUHHKtg"}[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.414748 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Connecting: login.yandex.ru:443[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.609376 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Sending: GET http://login.yandex.ru:443/info?format=json[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.609720 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Data: [0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.675702 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Status: 200[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.675972 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Benchmark: 0.065791 seconds[0m D, [2017-04-26T19:17:42.676211 #24865] DEBUG -- : [0;30;101m[httplog] Response: {"first_name": "xxxxxxxxxxx9", "last_name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "display_name": "xxxxx", "emails": ["xxxxxx@yandex.ru"], "default_email": "xxxxx@yandex.ru", "real_name": "xxxxxx2", "login": "xxxxxxx", "sex": "male", "id": "xxxx123"}[0m
Question: How can I save access_token, refresh token from Omniauth authentication process to user as it is clearly visible (7th line ) that it does retrieve it using my client_id and secret without any of my code.
What I have tried:
Added user.access_token = auth.credentials.token
to self.from_omniauth(auth)
method in user model. But there wasn't any positive change.
The same problem exists on different platforms. For example, on shared hosting and in Linux Ubuntu (completely fresh project from scratch).
1 Answers
Answers 1
The access token is provided by the yandex gem, or to be more specific, the omniauth-oauth2
Just get inside your controller by doing: request.env["omniauth.auth"].credentials.token
Boom. That's your access token. (refresh token and expiry data is also in the credentials
hash, just print it out)
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