Monday, May 1, 2017

How to fill QTextEdit of another class

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I have two classes.

The class mask_n_functions controls a form that fills up a SQLite database. There is the method call_inventory_mask which opens a new mask class inventory_function(QDialog, Ui_Inventory):. There I can check some CheckBoxes and fill up a list (InventoryList) with some elements.

Now I want to fill up a QTextEdit of a form which is called with the class mask_n_functions with resulting InventoryListString.

I want to use this for a QGIS Plugin. I use Notepad++ for coding.

I tried self.mask_n_functions.inventory_list.setText(InventoryListString),

UPDATE: There is no python error occurring within QGIS. The QTextEdit field of the mask, called with the class mask_n_functions, still remains empty.

Here is my (reduced) code:

class inventory_function(QDialog, Ui_Inventory):      def __init__(self, parent):         QDialog.__init__(self, parent)         self.setupUi(self)          self.get_inv.clicked.connect(self.getInventory)         self.close_inv.clicked.connect(self.closeInventory)      def getInventory(self):         getInventoryList = [['inv1','Example2'],['inv2','Example2'],['inv3','Example3']]         InventoryList = []         for l in getInventoryList:             checkboxstring = str(l[0])             checkboxname = checkboxstring.strip()             checkbox = getattr(self, checkboxname)             if checkbox.isChecked():                 InventoryList.append(l[1])         InventoryListString = '%s' % ', '.join(map(str, InventoryList))         self.mask_n_functions.inventory_list.setText(InventoryListString) # inventory_list is a QTextEdit() widget of Ui_MainForm in the class mask_n_functions         self.close()      def closeInventory(self):         self.close()  class mask_n_functions(QDialog, Ui_MainForm):      def __init__(self, parent):         QDialog.__init__(self, parent)         self.setupUi(self)          global now         now =          global username         username = getpass.getuser()          ...          self.choose_inventory.clicked.connect(self.call_inventory_mask)      def call_inventory_mask(self):         inventory_mask = inventory_function(self) 

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