Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Most efficient way to search for unknown patterns in a string?

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I am trying to find patterns that:

  • occur more than once
  • are more than 1 character long
  • are not substrings of any other known pattern

without knowing any of the patterns that might occur.

For example:

  • The string "the boy fell by the bell" would return 'ell', 'the b', 'y '.
  • The string "the boy fell by the bell, the boy fell by the bell" would return 'the boy fell by the bell'.

Using double for-loops, it can be brute forced very inefficiently:

ArrayList<String> patternsList = new ArrayList<>(); int length = string.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {     int limit = (length - i) / 2;     for (int j = limit; j >= 1; j--) {         int candidateEndIndex = i + j;         String candidate = string.substring(i, candidateEndIndex);          if(candidate.length() <= 1) {             continue;         }          if (string.substring(candidateEndIndex).contains(candidate)) {             boolean notASubpattern = true;             for (String pattern : patternsList) {                 if (pattern.contains(candidate)) {                     notASubpattern = false;                     break;                 }             }              if (notASubpattern) {                 patternsList.add(candidate);             }         }     } } 

However, this is incredibly slow when searching large strings with tons of patterns.

5 Answers

Answers 1

You can build a suffix tree for your string in linear time:

The patterns you are looking for are the strings corresponding to internal nodes that have only leaf children.

Answers 2

You could use n-grams to find patterns in a string. It would take O(n) time to scan the string for n-grams. When you find a substring by using a n-gram, put it into a hash table with a count of how many times that substring was found in the string. When you're done searching for n-grams in the string, search the hash table for counts greater than 1 to find recurring patterns in the string.

For example, in the string "the boy fell by the bell, the boy fell by the bell" using a 6-gram will find the substring "the boy fell by the bell". A hash table entry with that substring will have a count of 2 because it occurred twice in the string. Varying the number of words in the n-gram will help you discover different patterns in the string.

Dictionary<string, int>dict = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int count = 0; int ngramcount = 6; string substring = "";  // Add entries to the hash table while (count < str.length) {     // copy the words into the substring     int i = 0;     substring = "";     while (ngramcount > 0 && count < str.length) {         substring[i] = str[count];         if (str[i] == ' ')             ngramcount--;         i++;         count++;     }     ngramcount = 6;     substring.Trim();  // get rid of the last blank in the substring     // Update the dictionary (hash table) with the substring     if (dict.Contains(substring)) {  // substring is already in hash table so increment the count         int hashCount = dict[substring];         hashCount++;         dict[substring] = hashCount;     }     else         dict[substring] = 1; }  // Find the most commonly occurrring pattern in the string // by searching the hash table for the greatest count. int maxCount = 0; string mostCommonPattern = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pair in dict) {     if (pair.Value > maxCount) {         maxCount = pair.Value;         mostCommonPattern = pair.Key;     } } 

Answers 3

I've written this just for fun. I hope I have understood the problem correctly, this is valid and fast enough; if not, please be easy on me :) I might optimize it a little more I guess, if someone finds it useful.

private static IEnumerable<string> getPatterns(string txt) {     char[] arr = txt.ToArray();     BitArray ba = new BitArray(arr.Length);     for (int shingle = getMaxShingleSize(arr); shingle >= 2; shingle--)     {         char[] arr1 = new char[shingle];         int[] indexes = new int[shingle];         HashSet<int> hs = new HashSet<int>();         Dictionary<int, int[]> dic = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();         for (int i = 0, count = arr.Length - shingle; i <= count; i++)         {             for (int j = 0; j < shingle; j++)             {                 int index = i + j;                 arr1[j] = arr[index];                 indexes[j] = index;             }             int h = getHashCode(arr1);             if (hs.Add(h))             {                 int[] indexes1 = new int[indexes.Length];                 Buffer.BlockCopy(indexes, 0, indexes1, 0, indexes.Length * sizeof(int));                 dic.Add(h, indexes1);             }             else             {                 bool exists = false;                 foreach (int index in indexes)                     if (ba.Get(index))                     {                         exists = true;                         break;                     }                 if (!exists)                 {                     int[] indexes1 = dic[h];                     if (indexes1 != null)                         foreach (int index in indexes1)                             if (ba.Get(index))                             {                                 exists = true;                                 break;                             }                 }                 if (!exists)                 {                     foreach (int index in indexes)                         ba.Set(index, true);                     int[] indexes1 = dic[h];                     if (indexes1 != null)                         foreach (int index in indexes1)                             ba.Set(index, true);                     dic[h] = null;                     yield return new string(arr1);                 }             }         }     } } private static int getMaxShingleSize(char[] arr) {                 for (int shingle = 2; shingle <= arr.Length / 2 + 1; shingle++)     {         char[] arr1 = new char[shingle];         HashSet<int> hs = new HashSet<int>();         bool noPattern = true;         for (int i = 0, count = arr.Length - shingle; i <= count; i++)         {             for (int j = 0; j < shingle; j++)                 arr1[j] = arr[i + j];             int h = getHashCode(arr1);             if (!hs.Add(h))             {                 noPattern = false;                 break;             }         }         if (noPattern)             return shingle - 1;     }     return -1; } private static int getHashCode(char[] arr) {     unchecked     {         int hash = (int)2166136261;         foreach (char c in arr)             hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ c.GetHashCode();         return hash;     } } 

Answers 4

Suffix arrays are the right idea, but there's a non-trivial piece missing, namely, identifying what are known in the literature as "supermaximal repeats". Here's a GitHub repo with working code: . Suffix array construction uses the SAIS library, vendored in as a submodule. The supermaximal repeats are found using a corrected version of the pseudocode from findsmaxr in Efficient repeat finding via suffix arrays (Becher–Deymonnaz–Heiber).

static void FindRepeatedStrings(void) {   // findsmaxr from   printf("[");   bool needComma = false;   int up = -1;   for (int i = 1; i < Len; i++) {     if (LongCommPre[i - 1] < LongCommPre[i]) {       up = i;       continue;     }     if (LongCommPre[i - 1] == LongCommPre[i] || up < 0) continue;     for (int k = up - 1; k < i; k++) {       if (SufArr[k] == 0) continue;       unsigned char c = Buf[SufArr[k] - 1];       if (Set[c] == i) goto skip;       Set[c] = i;     }     if (needComma) {       printf("\n,");     }     printf("\"");     for (int j = 0; j < LongCommPre[up]; j++) {       unsigned char c = Buf[SufArr[up] + j];       if (iscntrl(c)) {         printf("\\u%.4x", c);       } else if (c == '\"' || c == '\\') {         printf("\\%c", c);       } else {         printf("%c", c);       }     }     printf("\"");     needComma = true;   skip:     up = -1;   }   printf("\n]\n"); } 

Here's a sample output on the text of the first paragraph:

Davids-MBP:commonsub eisen$ ./repsub input ["\u000a" ," S" ," as " ," co" ," ide" ," in " ," li" ," n" ," p" ," the " ," us" ," ve" ," w" ,"\"" ,"&ndash;" ,"(" ,")" ,". " ,"0" ,"He" ,"Suffix array" ,"`" ,"a su" ,"at " ,"code" ,"com" ,"ct" ,"do" ,"e f" ,"ec" ,"ed " ,"ei" ,"ent" ,"ere's a " ,"find" ,"her" ,"https://" ,"ib" ,"ie" ,"ing " ,"ion " ,"is" ,"ith" ,"iv" ,"k" ,"mon" ,"na" ,"no" ,"nst" ,"ons" ,"or" ,"pdf" ,"ri" ,"s are " ,"se" ,"sing" ,"sub" ,"supermaximal repeats" ,"te" ,"ti" ,"tr" ,"ub " ,"uffix arrays" ,"via" ,"y, " ] 

Answers 5

I would use Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm (linear time complexity O(n)) to find substrings. I would try to find the largest substring pattern, remove it from the input string and try to find the second largest and so on. I would do something like this:

string pattern = input.substring(0,lenght/2); string toMatchString = input.substring(pattern.length, input.lenght - 1);  List<string> matches = new List<string>();  while(pattern.lenght > 0) {     int index = KMP(pattern, toMatchString);     if(index > 0)     {         matches.Add(pattern);          // remove the matched pattern occurences from the input string         // I would do something like this:         // 0 to pattern.lenght gets removed         // check for all occurences of pattern in toMatchString and remove them         // get the remaing shrinked input, reassign values for pattern & toMatchString         // keep looking for the next largest substring     }     else     {         pattern = input.substring(0, pattern.lenght - 1);         toMatchString = input.substring(pattern.length, input.lenght - 1);     } } 

Where KMP implements Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm. You can find the Java implementations of it at Github or Princeton or write it yourself.

PS: I don't code in Java and it is quick try to my first bounty about to close soon. So please don't give me the stick if I missed something trivial or made a +/-1 error.

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