Thursday, June 22, 2017

Eloquent Relationships Optimize Query

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I have the following models: CardBoard, User, UserPricingPlans, PricingPlanLimits

Note: Don't mind if there is something wrong with the models code.They are working fine.


class CardBoard extends Model{     public function user(){        return $this->belongsTo('Models\User','id_user');     } } 


class User extends Model{     public function pricingPlans(){        return $this->hasMany('Models\UserPricingPlan','id_user');     } } 


class PricingPlan extends Model{     public function limits(){        return $this->hasOne('Models\PricingPlanLimits','id_pricing_plan','id_pricing_plan');     } } 


I'll not describe that Model, its not necessary for the problem. But keep in mind that there is an attribute called maxBoards.

The problem is that I only have the CardBoard Model Instance to work on and I want to get the maxBoard attribute from PricingPlanLImits. So I did it like this:

Note: I Already have the CardBoard Model Instance here!

$maxBoard = $cardBoard->user->pricingPlans->last()->limits->maxBoard;  return $maxBoard; 

The code above runs great, but the number of queries generated by this operation is an overhead to me. Eloquent do an SELECT for every Relationship called and I don't want all these data and operations.

{     "query": "select * from `users` where `users`.`id_user` = ? limit 1",     "bindings": [     ],     "time": 0.96 }    {     "query": "select * from `users_princing_plan` where `users_princing_plan`.`id_user` = ? and `users_princing_plan`.`id_user` is not null",     "bindings": [     ],     "time": 0.8 } {     "query": "select * from `pricing_plan_limits` where `pricing_plan_limits`.`id_pricing_plan` = ? and `pricing_plan_limits`.`id_pricing_plan` is not null limit 1",     "bindings": [      ],     "time": 0.88 } 

Isn't there an way to optmize this and run fewer queries in a Eloquent-Way ?

3 Answers

Answers 1

you can get a data in one query if you use with() method.

for example: CardBoard::with('user.pricingPlans')->get();

so can optimize your query using with method.

Answers 2

Previous comments were not too relevant to this solution...


$cardboard->user()->whereHas('pricingPlans', function ($plans) {     $plans->selectRaw(', MAX(price_plan_limits.maxBoard) as MB'))           ->from('price_plan_limits')           ->where('', '')           ->orderBy('MB', 'DESC') })->get(); 

Answers 3

I usually go in reverse order:

$maxBoard = PricingPlanLimits::whereHas(function($q)use($cardBoard){     $q->whereHas('PricingPlan', function($q1)use($cardBoard){         $q1->whereHas('User', function($q2)use($cardBoard){             $q2->whereHas('CardBoard', function($q3)use($cardBoard){                 $q3->where('id', $cardBoard['id']);             });         });         // Probably you have to improve this logic         // It is meant to select select the last occurrence         $q1->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');         $q1->limit(1);     }); })->first()['maxBoard']; 

Totally untested, but this should be the correct approach to achieve your goal in one query.

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