Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Execute module after POST request

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I'm trying to integrate sending real-time information via sockets (using socket.io), and sending push notifications using the OneSignal platform.

It happens that if I put everything in the same module, I do not know why the method to send the notification is not executed after the information is sent, or before sending the information.

If I run the command npm start no error appears but the notification arrives as soon as the local or remote server is running, and this way I do not want it to happen.


  var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); var misocket = require('../routes/misocket'); var notificacion = require('../routes/notificacion');  /*  run module when start server run, i don't want it  notificacion();  */   /* GET users listing. sendnote*/ router.post('/sendasig', function(req, res, next) {        console.log(misocket);//registrednote     misocket.emit("registrar",req.body);     //run here, after the send data across post request   notificacion();     console.log(req.body);    res.status(200).json({       message  : "send message"   });   });  module.exports = router; 


 module.exports = function(){           var OnesignalNotificationApi = require('onesignal-notification');         var api = new OnesignalNotificationApi('N2FkY2ZkZWQtMGQ2MS00ZTUwLTlkM2QtODA2NmE0YjBiMzQ3',                                         'c4b92cce-4d59-4550-a4be-20939370e39c');          var message = {                 it: 'Some message',                 en: 'Some message',                 es: 'Nueva Calificacion'         };          api.sendToAll(message, null, function(err, res){                 console.log(err);                 console.log(res);         });   };  


var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router();  /* GET home page. */ router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {   res.render('index', { title: 'Express' }); });  module.exports = router; 


var i = 0; var ioapp;  exports.connection= function(io){      ioapp = io;      io.on('connect',function(s){         console.log("Conectado");         });  };  exports.io = ioapp; 

3 Answers

Answers 1

In your notification.js File the sendToAll function will be executed when the file is required (which is probably at run time for you.)

api.sendToAll(message, null, function(err, res){     console.log(err);     console.log(res); });  

You're going to want to wrap this in a function and call it inside of your post route.

module.exports = function(message){    api.sendToAll(message, null, function(err, res){      console.log(err);       console.log(res);    });  } 

Which can then be required at the top of your server

 const sendMessageFunction = require('path/to/notification.js')  .  .  .  sendMessageFunction('helloWorld') 

Answers 2

Replace Your notification.js with the below code

 module.exports = function(){       var sendNotification = function (data) {     var headers = {         "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",         "Authorization": "Basic N2FkY2ZkZWQtMGQ2MS00ZTUwLTlkM2QtODA2NmE0YjBiMzQ3"     };      var options = {         host: "onesignal.com",         port: 443,         path: "/api/v1/notifications",         method: "POST",         headers: headers     };      var https = require('https');     var req = https.request(options, function (res) {         res.on('data', function (data) {             console.log("Response:");             console.log(JSON.parse(data));         });     });      req.on('error', function (e) {         console.log("ERROR:");         console.log(e);     });      req.write(JSON.stringify(data));     req.end(); };  var message = {     app_id: "c4b92cce-4d59-4550-a4be-20939370e39c",     contents: {"en": "sample message"},     included_segments: ["All"] };  sendNotification(message);  };  

Answers 3

Did you try editing user.js to be like this:

var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); var misocket = require('../routes/misocket'); var notificacion = require('../routes/notificacion');  var OnesignalNotificationApi = require('onesignal-notification'); var api = new OnesignalNotificationApi('N2FkY2ZkZWQtMGQ2MS00ZTUwLTlkM2QtODA2NmE0YjBiMzQ3',                                     'c4b92cce-4d59-4550-a4be-20939370e39c');   /* GET users listing. sendnote*/ router.post('/sendasig', function(req, res, next) {      console.log(misocket);//registrednote     misocket.emit("registrar",req.body);       //run here, after the send data across post request     notificacion(api);     console.log(req.body);      res.status(200).json({         message  : "send message"     });  });  module.exports = router; 

and notification.js to be like this:

module.exports = function(api){       var message = {             it: 'Some message',             en: 'Some message',             es: 'Nueva Calificacion'     };      api.sendToAll(message, null, function(err, res){             console.log(err);             console.log(res);     });   }; 
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