Sunday, June 25, 2017

Javascript: Why can't I access the '../..' directory in browser on mac

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A client-side JS program includes the following lines:

<script src='../../LIBS/jwlib.js'></script> <script src ='../js/header.js'></script> <script src ='../js/session.js'></script> <script src ='../js/classes.js'></script> <script src ='../js/main.js'></script> 

It runs properly on any browser under Windows. But on my iMac it fails because it fails to find a function defined in jwlib. And jwlib is not found by Chrome Developer Tools.

What's going wrong?

The program itself is at

Thanks, Hugues and Chetan, for your interest. On loading, we should see a canvas with two squares, one blue and one black. The blue one should show a collection of numbers between 1 and 50, and a button labelled BEGIN. When you press that button the numbers should start dashing about.

This does not happen on my iMac, and Chrome Devtools reports a missing function get_random_integer(). If you put a breakpoint on line 366 of main.js you see the call, and the failure when you continue.

This function is in the file jwlib.js, which is not found.

I have made a new version, with the missing function pasted into main.js. That is called MULTIBODY2 rather than MULTIBODY, and it works. as described.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Sorry for the time wasting..

The problem is that I thought window.onload() would be called only when all the scripts had been loaded.

This seems not to be the case, and my problem was just a difference in timing between mac and windows.

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