Sunday, June 4, 2017

Visualize 7 million edges in pygraphistry

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I have large dataset with of about 7 million edges and after an extensive search for methods and tool to visualise this data I came across pygraphistry I am trying to visualize the edges and connection without applying any modeling for now. But this has shows no errors no output for over 6 hours

My working environment is python 3.x anaconda and windows 64 bit

    import pandas     import graphistry      #  "GRAPHISTRY_API_KEY".     graphistry.register(key='key_from_team')      column_names = ['node1', 'node2', 'StartTime', 'EndTime']     logs = pandas.read_csv('Edges.dat', header = None, names = column_names )     logs[:4] # Show the first three rows of the loaded dataframe      '''     logs['StartTime'] = pandas.to_datetime(logs['StartTime'], unit='s')     logs['EndTime'] = pandas.to_datetime(logs['EndTime'], unit='s')     logs[:4]     '''  plotter = graphistry.bind(source='node1', destination='node2')     plotter.plot(logs) 

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