Friday, June 23, 2017

vscode for git - git would not continue unless you quit editor

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I've been using Visual Studio Code as git editor for quite a while. At some point recently however, once I'd edit a rebase/commit message inside a new vscode window opened by git, when I click the "close" button of vscode, git wouldn't continue to next step anymore. The window is closed but vscode process is still running - I have to quit it from the dock, for git to continue.

As this would still be working fine on another Mac of mine, I tried fully reinstalling Visual Studio Code (removing all configs), yet after reinstalling the same behavior occurs. I have the very same git config on both Macs:

[core]     editor = code --wait [diff]     tool = default-difftool [difftool "default-difftool"]     cmd = code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE 

I'm using the latest stable version 1.13.0 and I don't have an already running vscode (although I believe it shouldn't matter) when I start a rebase for example. It just seems that visual studio code gets "minimized" when I close it via the x button.

1 Answers

Answers 1

A similar issue with a fix is at . The fix is (but please read the whole thread first):

Clone the repo cd into the repo Get the branch with the fix roblou/killProcs npm install If you don't have the vsce tool, then npm install -g vsce vsce package to get the vsix file for the extension code --install-extension Go-0.6.53.vsix to install the extension from the six now run vs code as you normally would 
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