Thursday, June 1, 2017

WARN:Authentication error: ntlm authorization challenge expected, but not found in Soap UI

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I am trying to access WCF Webservice using Windows Authentication in Soap UI.

I am getting 401 unauthorized.

Following are the set up I done.

  1. In Request Authorization Tab, I have given as NTLM

  2. I have given username, password and Domain.

As well as WSS-Password Type: PasswordText or PasswordDigest, and Wss-TimeToLive: 2000

Tried for Basic and Kerberos as well. Getting 401 response ONLY..

Getting following in the http log.

WARN:Authentication error: ntlm authorization challenge expected, but not found

What needs to be done to solve this issue?

1 Answers

Answers 1

I am assuming you are connecting to a VPN in order to access the webservice, and that you have already verified the credentials are correct (ie: by accessing the endpoint in a browser). I will also assume your soapUI's ntlm configuration is correct.

If so, add to your .vmoptions file (under bin directory).

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