Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Wrong Leave deduction in Payslip odoo

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I tried to generate payslip for an employee. An Employee has taken half day leave(0.5) but while calculating payslip its auto filled as 1.

From the code that is already in the module hr_payroll.py, It looks like the following

 def get_worked_day_lines(self, cr, uid, contract_ids, date_from, date_to, context=None):         """         @param contract_ids: list of contract id         @return: returns a list of dict containing the input that should be applied for the given contract between date_from and date_to         """         def was_on_leave(employee_id, datetime_day, context=None):             res = False             day = datetime_day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")             holiday_ids = self.pool.get('hr.holidays').search(cr, uid, [('state','=','validate'),('employee_id','=',employee_id),('type','=','remove'),('date_from','<=',day),('date_to','>=',day)])             if holiday_ids:                 res = self.pool.get('hr.holidays').browse(cr, uid, holiday_ids, context=context)[0].holiday_status_id.name             return res          res = []         for contract in self.pool.get('hr.contract').browse(cr, uid, contract_ids, context=context):             if not contract.working_hours:                 #fill only if the contract as a working schedule linked                 continue             attendances = {                  'name': _("Normal Working Days paid at 100%"),                  'sequence': 1,                  'code': 'WORK100',                  'number_of_days': 0.0,                  'number_of_hours': 0.0,                  'contract_id': contract.id,             }             leaves = {}             day_from = datetime.strptime(date_from,"%Y-%m-%d")             day_to = datetime.strptime(date_to,"%Y-%m-%d")             nb_of_days = (day_to - day_from).days + 1             for day in range(0, nb_of_days):                 working_hours_on_day = self.pool.get('resource.calendar').working_hours_on_day(cr, uid, contract.working_hours, day_from + timedelta(days=day), context)                 if working_hours_on_day:                     #the employee had to work                     leave_type = was_on_leave(contract.employee_id.id, day_from + timedelta(days=day), context=context)                     if leave_type:                         #if he was on leave, fill the leaves dict                         if leave_type in leaves:                             leaves[leave_type]['number_of_days'] += 1.0                             leaves[leave_type]['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day                         else:                             leaves[leave_type] = {                                 'name': leave_type,                                 'sequence': 5,                                 'code': leave_type,                                 'number_of_days': 1.0,                                 'number_of_hours': working_hours_on_day,                                 'contract_id': contract.id,                             }                     else:                         #add the input vals to tmp (increment if existing)                         attendances['number_of_days'] += 1.0                         attendances['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day             leaves = [value for key,value in leaves.items()]             res += [attendances] + leaves         return res 

I am not sure whether this is where the issue is. Any one with any suggestion on this?

1 Answers

Answers 1

Let me preface: I haven't used odoo and I don't have the rest of your code to test against so I haven't verified this.

You definitely have a problem here:

if leave_type in leaves:     leaves[leave_type]['number_of_days'] += 1.0     leaves[leave_type]['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day else:     leaves[leave_type] = {         'name': leave_type,         'sequence': 5,         'code': leave_type,         'number_of_days': 1.0,         'number_of_hours': working_hours_on_day,         'contract_id': contract.id,     } else:     #add the input vals to tmp (increment if existing)     attendances['number_of_days'] += 1.0     attendances['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day 

see where you reference leaves and attendances, while those are floats they are only incremented in full days, not calculated based on what fraction of a day you pass. You need to change this to something like:

leaves[leave_type]['number_of_days'] += time_off / hours_per_workday # the 1.0 might make sense here depending on if you count time off as an attendance leaves[leave_type]['number_of_hours'] += time_off 


attendances['number_of_days'] += 1.0 - time_off / hours_per_workday attendances['number_of_hours'] += working_hours_on_day - time_off 

Obviously the dummy variables I inserted would need to be defined and calculated somewhere.

Additionally, as Anthony Rossi noted in the comments, you generally work in days, not hours. Examples:

day_from = datetime.strptime(date_from,"%Y-%m-%d") day_to = datetime.strptime(date_to,"%Y-%m-%d") 

notice how you only have YY/MM/DD and no hours.

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