Thursday, July 13, 2017

Add variable to nested list

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Using R base, I would like to add a variable to a nested list where the variable changes for each nested list element. Below is an example. Thank you.

#CREATE EXAMPLE DATAFRAME DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"), DATE = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day"))  #CREATE NESTED LIST DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF, as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))), ]))  #PRINT NESTED LIST lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x)))  #I WOULD LIKE TO SIMPLIFY THIS PART DF[[1]][[1]] <- within(DF[[1]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF[[1]][[2]] <- within(DF[[1]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  DF[[2]][[1]] <- within(DF[[2]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF[[2]][[2]] <- within(DF[[2]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  DF[[3]][[1]] <- within(DF[[3]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF[[3]][[2]] <- within(DF[[3]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  #PRINT MODIFIED NESTED LIST lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x)))  #I AM SURPRISED THE FOLLOWING DOES NOT WORK DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"), DATE = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day")) DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF, as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))),])) DF <- lapply(DF, function(x) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) within(x, GROUP <- t))) lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x))) 

6 Answers

Answers 1

This should do it

final_list<-list() for(i in seq(1, length(DF))){    new_list<-list()    for(j in seq(1,length(DF[[i]]))){      new_list[[j]]<-list(DF[[i]][[j]],GROUP=j)    }   final_list[[i]]<-new_list } 

Answers 2

#CREATE EXAMPLE DATAFRAME DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"), DATE = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day"))  #CREATE NESTED LIST DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF, as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))), ]))  #PRINT NESTED LIST lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x)))  #I WOULD LIKE TO SIMPLIFY THIS PART DF[[1]][[1]] <- within(DF[[1]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF[[1]][[2]] <- within(DF[[1]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  DF[[2]][[1]] <- within(DF[[2]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF[[2]][[2]] <- within(DF[[2]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  DF[[3]][[1]] <- within(DF[[3]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF[[3]][[2]] <- within(DF[[3]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  #PRINT MODIFIED NESTED LIST DF1 <- lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x))) DF1  #I AM SURPRISED THE FOLLOWING DOES NOT WORK DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"), DATE = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day")) DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF, as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))),]))  GROUPS <- c(2014:2015)      DF <- lapply(DF, function(xs) lapply(1:2, function(t) within(xs[[t]], GROUP <- GROUPS[t])))  DF2 <- lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x))) DF2  all.equal(DF1, DF2) 

Answers 3

How about this? Had to use package dplyr since it makes adding a new variable to the dataframes easier with mutate_.

library(dplyr) # if not installed, install with install.packages("dplyr") DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"),  DATE = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day"))  #CREATE NESTED LIST DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF,  as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t +  i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))), ]))  # loop over the first list with lapply and then loop over the nested lists  # and the desired GROUP values with mapply DF <- lapply(DF, function(x) mapply(FUN = function(df,number){mutate_(df,  "GROUP" = number)},x, 2014:2015, SIMPLIFY = F))  #PRINT NESTED LIST lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x))) 

As to why your way was not working: Think about what function(t) within(xs[[t]], GROUP <- GROUPS[t]) does. It does not return a dataframe.

Answers 4

This can be also achieved using Map in order to cbind the dates. i.e.,

lapply(DF, function(i) Map(cbind, i, c(2014, 2015)))  #or to set the name of that column to 'id',  lapply(DF, function(i) Map(function(x, y) cbind(x, id = y), i, c(2014, 2015))) 

However, If you don't mind flattening that list and keeping an extra id variable, you can use tidyverse to flatten and create the year id by graping the year from the first element of DATE from each data frame, i.e.

library(tidyverse)  new_df <- DF %>%    flatten_df(.id = 'list_id') %>%    group_by(list_id) %>%    mutate(id = sub('-.*', '', DATE[1]))  #which will give,  # A tibble: 19,725 x 4 # Groups:   list_id [6] #   list_id   NAME       DATE    id #     <chr> <fctr>     <date> <chr> # 1       1  FRANK 2014-01-01  2014 # 2       1   TONY 2014-01-01  2014 # 3       1     ED 2014-01-01  2014 # 4       1  FRANK 2014-01-02  2014 # 5       1   TONY 2014-01-02  2014 # 6       1     ED 2014-01-02  2014 # 7       1  FRANK 2014-01-03  2014 # 8       1   TONY 2014-01-03  2014 # 9       1     ED 2014-01-03  2014 #10       1  FRANK 2014-01-04  2014 # ... with 19,715 more rows 

Answers 5

I think the problem may the second lapply:

DF <- lapply(DF, function(x) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) within(x, GROUP <- t))) 

The lapply's don't appear to be extracting the desired component from the large list object. The first lapply iterates over the top level of the list, extracting a two-element list object, x, each time. The second lapply then iterates over a vector, providing a scalar vector, t, each time. So, the next part gets a two-element list (x) each time instead of the desired (unnamed) data frame.


If the object has already been created, you can iterate over the elements directly instead of indexing the list elements.

#CREATE NESTED LIST DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF, as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))), ]))  edit_level2 <- function(df) {     # figure out what the value of t should be based on the data.     t <- as.integer(format(min(df$DATE), "%Y"))     df$GROUP <- t     return(df) }  # iterate over the list object contents at *both* levels DF <- lapply(DF, function(level1) lapply(level1, function(level2) edit_level2(level2))) 

Note: this is similar to the solution presented by @Consistency in the comments--extracting the data frame is the issue.


If you can you alter the code that is producing the list object, I suggest assigning the variable while creating the list object instead of modifying it afterwards (my original suggestion before edits).

#CREATE EXAMPLE DATAFRAME DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"),                    DATE = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day"))  #CREATE NESTED LIST DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) {      lapply(2014:2015, function(t) {          first <- as.Date(paste(t,     "01", "01", sep = "-"))          last  <- as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))           # create a local data frame         df <- DF[first <= DF$DATE & DF$DATE <= last, ]          # modify the local data frame         df$GROUP <- t          # return the modified data frame         df      })  }) 

Answers 6

OK, I think I've got it. At least all.equal returns TRUE, though identical does not. Here it goes. Note that I've changed your df names a bit.

#CREATE EXAMPLE DATAFRAME DF <- expand.grid(NAME = c("FRANK", "TONY", "ED"), DATE =    seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2018-12-31"), by = "day"))  #CREATE NESTED LIST DF <- lapply(1:3, function(i) lapply(2014:2015, function(t) DF[with(DF, as.Date(paste(t, "01", "01", sep = "-")) <= DATE & DATE <= as.Date(paste(t + i, "12", "31", sep = "-"))), ]))  #PRINT NESTED LIST lapply(DF, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x)))  DF2 <- DF #I WOULD LIKE TO SIMPLIFY THIS PART DF2[[1]][[1]] <- within(DF2[[1]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF2[[1]][[2]] <- within(DF2[[1]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  DF2[[2]][[1]] <- within(DF2[[2]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF2[[2]][[2]] <- within(DF2[[2]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  DF2[[3]][[1]] <- within(DF2[[3]][[1]], GROUP <- 2014) DF2[[3]][[2]] <- within(DF2[[3]][[2]], GROUP <- 2015)  #PRINT MODIFIED NESTED LIST lapply(DF2, lapply, function(x) rbind(head(x), tail(x)))  ### New code DF3 <- DF DF3 <- lapply(DF3, function(x) {         lapply(2014:2015, function(t){             within(x[[t - 2013]], GROUP <- t)         })     }) identical(DF2, DF3) all.equal(DF2, DF3) 
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