Thursday, July 27, 2017

Force to use same certificate to sign different “buildTypes” that are configured for a particular “productFlavor”?

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I am generating builds using build variant. Below are the configurations:

signingConfigs {     production {         storeFile file("some_path/buildsystem/keystore/some.release.keystore.jks")         storePassword "somepassword"         keyAlias "somekeyalias"         keyPassword "some"         v2SigningEnabled false     }      develop {         storeFile file(".some_path./buildsystem/keystore/someother.debug.keystore.jks")         storePassword "someother"         keyAlias "someotherkeyalias"         keyPassword "someother"         v2SigningEnabled false     } }  productFlavors {     production {         signingConfig signingConfigs.production       }      develop {         applicationIdSuffix ".develop"         signingConfig signingConfigs.develop      } }  buildTypes {     debug {         minifyEnabled false     }      release {         minifyEnabled false         proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'     } } 


As, of now for example if I talk about flavour production then productionRelease uses signingConfigs.production to sign the apk. But, productionDebug doesn't uses signingConfigs.production.

Expected output

When I generate the signed apk I want the gradle to do the following for me:

  1. developRelease and developDebug should be signed with only signingConfigs.develop

  2. productionRelease and productionDebug should be signed with only signingConfigs.production

Another question that is similar to this which led me to do the above: SHA-1 different for buildTypes (debug and release) for same productFlavors Firebase?

1 Answers

Answers 1

Remove the signingConfig signingCongigs.develop elsewhere in the code block

And add new property within the buildTypes like

  • production
  • develop

Now add signingConfig to it

Thereby your updated gradle file look like as below

signingConfigs {     production {         storeFile file("some_path/buildsystem/keystore/some.release.keystore.jks")         storePassword "somepassword"         keyAlias "somekeyalias"         keyPassword "some"         v2SigningEnabled false     }      develop {         storeFile file(".some_path./buildsystem/keystore/someother.debug.keystore.jks")         storePassword "someother"         keyAlias "someotherkeyalias"         keyPassword "someother"         v2SigningEnabled false     } } productFlavors {     production {     }      develop {         applicationIdSuffix ".develop"     } } buildTypes {     /* NOTE: the debug block is not required because it is a default  * buildType configuration; all of its settings are defined implicitly  * by Gradle behind the scenes.  */     debug {         minifyEnabled false     }      release {         minifyEnabled false         proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'         signingConfig signingConfigs.production     }      production {         minifyEnabled false         proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'         signingConfig signingConfigs.production     }      develop {         minifyEnabled false         signingConfig signingConfigs.develop     } } 

In the terminal use the below gradle commmand: gradle assembleProduction to generate build with production certificates similarly gradle assembleDevelop or you can also use gradle assemble

You cannot force gradle to choose the certificates for debug property rather you could create own buildTypes

As per documentation

Automate signing your applications. Debug build variants are, by default, signed with a debug key for installation on development devices. Declare additional signing configurations for publication to the Google Play store.

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