I have a data set that comes in as XML, and one of the nodes contains JSON. Spark is reading this in as a StringType, so I am trying to use from_json() to convert the JSON to a DataFrame.
I am able to convert a string of JSON, but how do I write the schema to work with an Array?
String without Array - Working nicely
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ val schemaExample = new StructType() .add("FirstName", StringType) .add("Surname", StringType) val dfExample = spark.sql("""select "{ \"FirstName\":\"Johnny\", \"Surname\":\"Boy\" }" as theJson""") val dfICanWorkWith = dfExample.select(from_json($"theJson", schemaExample)) dfICanWorkWith.collect() // Results \\ res19: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([[Johnny,Boy]])
String with an Array - Can't figure this one out
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ val schemaExample2 = new StructType() .add("", ArrayType(new StructType() .add("FirstName", StringType) .add("Surname", StringType) ) ) val dfExample2= spark.sql("""select "[{ \"FirstName\":\"Johnny\", \"Surname\":\"Boy\" }, { \"FirstName\":\"Franky\", \"Surname\":\"Man\" }" as theJson""") val dfICanWorkWith = dfExample2.select(from_json($"theJson", schemaExample2)) dfICanWorkWith.collect() // Result \\ res22: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([null])
1 Answers
Answers 1
The problem is that you don't have a fully qualified json. Your json is missing a couple of things:
- First you are missing the surrounding {} in which the json is done
- Second you are missing the variable value (you set it as "" but did not add it)
- Lastly you are missing the closing ]
Try replacing it with:
val dfExample2= spark.sql("""select "{\"\":[{ \"FirstName\":\"Johnny\", \"Surname\":\"Boy\" }, { \"FirstName\":\"Franky\", \"Surname\":\"Man\" }]}" as theJson""")
and you will get:
scala> dfICanWorkWith.collect() res12: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([[WrappedArray([Johnny,Boy], [Franky,Man])]])
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