I cannot build my android application with the default visual studio 2017 proguard enabled.
I enable the proguard from
Project > Android.Properties > Android Options > Check "Enable ProGuard"
Then I cannot build my application.
It says:
C:\Program Files (Access is denied)
How do I fix this?
3 Answers
Answers 1
This was a bug in xamarin.
happens if the android sdk path contains space ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk"). You have to move the android-sdk to a path without spaces.(C:\android-sdk)
See here how.
This was reportedly fixed so upgrading Xamarin should fix the bug however note that some devs reported as of 2017-06-22 that this was still reproducable using:
Xamarin (750994b)
Xamarin.Android SDK (5f3167a)
So if the updating all the tools and sdk does not work you will have to move the directory as described above.
Answers 2
Try the following I had a similar issue and work for me: -dontwarn okio.** -dontwarn java.nio.** -dontwarn java.lang.invoke.** The conversation about the same issue was continued here with other solutions: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/45210/enable-proguard-error-c-program-files-access-is-denied
Answers 3
you might have to set ANDROID_HOME
(the path to the Android SDK, without spaces) under "System Properties" > "Advanced System Settings" > "Environment Variables" > "System Variables". Visual Studio should pick up these values - also check permissions on proguard.exe
, eg. if the current user can run it from the command line. here it's also explained: "How to Fix Error “C:\Program Files (Access is Denied)” When Proguard has Enabled while Build a Android app" (linking the SDK is the other option). Simply moving the whole SDK to C:\Android
might be suggested.
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