The VueJS project was generated by vue-cli using Webpack template. When I built for production, I get one static
folder that has 2 folders and 1 index.html
file. The 2 folders are css
and js
. There's only one css file. But there are 3 javascript files. An app.xxxxxxx.js
, manifest.xxxxxxxx.js
, and vendor.xxxxxxx.js
I've wrapped the production VueJS project in a Node server and an Apache server. For the Node server, I used ExpressJS:
... app.use('/public', express.static(__dirname + '/public')); app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/public/static')); app.use('/js', express.static(__dirname + '/public/static/js')); app.use('/css', express.static(__dirname + '/public/static/css')); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/public/index.html')); }); ...
The SPA works for Node.
For the Apache server, I just transferred all the HTML markup from the generated index.html
to an index.php
and make sure that the CSS and JS directories are read.
I'm trying to kinda do the same with WordPress. But no luck.
What I've done with WP so far is that I've loaded all the JS and CSS files using wp_enqueue_script()
and wp_enqueue_style()
, respectively. But I can't get the html markup to work in conjunction with the CSS and JS files. Maybe this is the problem. What am I missing?
This is what the index.html
would look like after being generated from production:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>wan_admin3</title> <link rel=stylesheet href=> <link href=/static/css/app.49437cdf2228a91c12a30d39ae35bb58.css rel=stylesheet> </head> <body> <div id=app></div> <script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/manifest.989a96caedc89ff03309.js</script> <script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/vendor.86018170deacaae1d066.js</script> <script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/app.6103fd8f82bcb5c38544.js</script> </body> </html>
What I've done in WP functions.php
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_my_menu_item' ); function register_my_menu_item() { $my_plugins_page = add_menu_page( 'General Page', 'General Page', 'manage_options', 'mt-top-level-handle', 'my_plugins_page_callback' ); $subadmin_page = add_submenu_page( 'mt-top-level-handle', 'submenu-admin', 'Sub Level Menu', 'manage_options', 'submenu_admin_page', 'admin_sub_page_callback' ); add_action( 'load-' . $subadmin_page, 'do_enqueue' ); } function do_enqueue() { wp_enqueue_style( 'subadmin_css_sheet', get_theme_file_uri( 'some-admin/subadmin/css/app.49437cdf2228a91c12a30d39ae35bb58.css'), array(), '1.0.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'subadmin_app_script', get_theme_file_uri('some-admin/subadmin/js/app.6103fd8f82bcb5c38544.js'), array(), '1.0.0', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'subadmin_manifest_script', get_theme_file_uri( 'some-admin/subadmin/js/manifest.989a96caedc89ff03309.js'), array(), '1.0.0', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'subadmin_vendor_script', get_theme_file_uri( 'some-admin/subadmin/js/vendor.86018170deacaae1d066.js'), array(), '1.0.0', true ); } function my_plugins_page_callback() { ?> <div>Hello</div> <?php } function admin_sub_page_callback() { ?> <div id="app">Subadmin</div> <?php }
The top level menu item and the sub menu are showing just how they should be. But when I click the Sub Level Menu, it only shows Subadmin text and not the VueJS SPA that works in other environments.
For sure, the JS and CSS files are loading because when you right click the the webpage and see the source code, then click the links to the JS and CSS files, the codes show up.
The CSS and JS file structure inside the twentyseventeen
For the HTML end inside the admin_sub_page_callback()
, I just took the <div id="app"></div>
from the original index.html
that was generated from VueJS project.
1 Answers
Answers 1
I've gotten similar Vue.js widgets to work with WP, but only using browserify, instead of webpack.
I didn't use the browserify template of vue-cli, although it could work with that. Instead I used my own package.json. Here's the gist:
That will make a single file dist/bundle.js
for the whole vue app. I then dropped that file into wherever the static js files are for my wp theme.
Next, I added a wp_enqueue_script
line in functions.php
like this...
wp_enqueue_script( MD_THEME_NAME.'-bundle', MD_THEME_URI.'/assets/js/bundle.js', array('jquery'), NULL, true );
The particular pattern of arguments may depend on your theme. You should try to make your wp_enqueue_script
look like existing one.
Finally, I added the html element needed ,like <div id="vueApp"></div>
for example, anywhere in the currently rendered template.
Hope that helps!
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