Monday, July 10, 2017

Web-based MP4 refusing to play in Safari 10.1.1 (standard setup) but does play Chrome 58 (standard setup)?

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Ok, so I have noticed that somehow Safari (Version 10.1.1 (12603.2.4), using a standard setup with no add-on's or settings modifications) sometimes refuses to play .mp4 files that Chrome (Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit), also a standard setup) seems to play without a problem.

I discovered the issue since I am building a macOS Cocoa Application with Xcode that helps me browse WayBack media files. It's a hobby project to help me get more familiar with coding in Swift. Since it refused to play a lot of MP4 files I decided to try these links in Safari and noticed they failed as well. Then, trying Chrome, they all work.

My OS = macOS 10.12.5 (Sierra)

This video is such an example.

Does anyone know why a basic Safari setup apparently is unable to play the mp4?

NB: While I know that the MP4 file from the given link (below) does work in Safari if I play it directly from the original source (so not retrieving it from the WayBack server) I also need to understand why it is refusing to play via the given link and how to fix that.

Could it have something to do with the link being an HTTPS link, or might it it be a macOS issue? (As I have found that the AVPlayer of my macOS Cocoa App also refuses to play these videos).

Sorry to post such a broad question. I've searched online for similar posts to find out what the problem might be. I've found that there can be a lot of different reasons as to why browsers might or might not play videos.

A lack of in-depth knowledge prevents me from understanding how to properly troubleshoot this issue in a correct manner. It also prevented me from being able to fine-tune the question any further.

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