Monday, August 28, 2017

Android Espresso IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout not working

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I have a few classes to test deep links. Each class test 1 deep link.

There are few tests that always terminate correctly at 10+ seconds when I run them individually but always take more than 45 seconds to finish when I run them together. enter image description here
Note that all these tests are supposed to fail all the times now (I haven't done the implementation for them) so the results should not vary.

Am I using IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout wrong?

My test class:

@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class DeepLinkActivityBagTest extends MyActivityTest {      @Rule     public MyActivityTestRule<DeepLinkActivity> activityTestRule =             new MyActivityTestRule<DeepLinkActivity>(DeepLinkActivity.class) {                 @Override                 protected Intent getActivityIntent() {                     Intent intent = super.getActivityIntent();                     intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);                     intent.setData(Uri.parse("xxx://bag"));                     return intent;                 }             };      @Test     public void testCorrectScreenOpened() {         setUpWait();          String expectedToolbarTitle = "shopping bag" + mToolbarTitleSuffix;         onView(withTextIgnoreCase(expectedToolbarTitle)).check(matches(isDisplayed()));     } } 

Its parent class:

@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class MyActivityTest {     @Rule     public MyActivityTestRule<DeepLinkActivity> activityTestRule;     protected String mToolbarTitleSuffix;      @Before     public void prepare() {         if (!BuildConfig.FLAVOR.equals(ENV_PRODUCTION)) {             mToolbarTitleSuffix = String.format(" (%s)", BuildConfig.FLAVOR);         }     }      @After     public void resetCountry() {         if (activityTestRule != null) {             PrefUtils.clear(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext());             PrefUtils.setCurrentCountryCode(activityTestRule.getmCurCountryCode());             PrefUtils.setCurrentLangCode(activityTestRule.getmCurLangCode());         }     }      protected void setUpWait() {         try {             Thread.sleep(3 * 1000);         } catch (InterruptedException e) {             Logger.e(e, "");         }         IdlingPolicies.setMasterPolicyTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);         IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);     } } 


public class MyActivityTestRule<D extends Activity> extends ActivityTestRule {     private String mCurCountryCode;     private String mCurLangCode;      protected MyActivityTestRule(Class activityClass) {         super(activityClass);     }      public MyActivityTestRule(Class activityClass, boolean initialTouchMode) {         super(activityClass, initialTouchMode);     }      public MyActivityTestRule(Class activityClass, boolean initialTouchMode, boolean launchActivity) {         super(activityClass, initialTouchMode, launchActivity);     }      @Override     protected void beforeActivityLaunched() {         super.beforeActivityLaunched();          PrefUtils.setup(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext());         mCurCountryCode = PrefUtils.getCurrentCountryCode();         mCurLangCode = PrefUtils.getCurrentLangCode();         PrefUtils.clear(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext());         PrefUtils.setCurrentCountryCode("SG");         PrefUtils.setCurrentLangCode("en");     }      String getmCurCountryCode() {         return mCurCountryCode;     }      String getmCurLangCode() {         return mCurLangCode;     } } 

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