<div class="w-btn" ng-click="vm.callbacks.compareAll();" ng-if="vm.folderData.projects.length > 0 && vm.noneSelectedProjects" tabindex="0"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-transfer btn-icon"></i> Report from all</div>
I need to use powershell to click that button. There are multiple div's on that page with the class="w-btn" but only one with the ng-click that has Compare all in it.
when that button is clicked it will change another tag on the page which is like the following
<a href="/data/project/export/projects-tasks?projectIds[]=103473&projectIds[]=103474&projectIds[]=106186&projectIds[]=108395&projectIds[]=110653&projectIds[]=110657" target="_self" class="inline-btn pull-right" ng-if="vm.projects.length > 0">
the first button changes that href for the projects as they get added. I have to write this script to click the first button and then use the resultant href as part of a link in my wget
so far I haven't been able to get anything to work
$Link = 'https://url.com/folder/2880' $html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Link -UseDefaultCredentials $btnclick = $html.getElementsByTagName("div") | Where-object{$_.Name -like 'ng-click="vm.callbacks.compareAll();"' }
when I then do a write to console to see what $btnclick is I get an error:
Method invocation failed because [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject] does not contain a method named 'getElementsByTagName'
eventually I think I would then do like $btnclick.Click()
and do another getElement
on the href
so I can pull the
portion out.
Any help getting this done is appreciated. High level overview is I need to click an angularjs button from a webpage and then extract a piece of a URL to use in a wget from the resulting a href tag.
2 Answers
Answers 1
in AngularJS webpages is useless, since there is client side javascript rendering. You can use combination of powershell + selenium + protractor for that (Powershell v5 required):
# initialize selenium $protractorPackage = Install-Package Protractor -Destination ".\NugetPackages" -Force -Source 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2' -ProviderName NuGet Add-Type -Path ".\Selenium.WebDriver.$($protractorPackage.Where({$_.name -eq "Selenium.WebDriver"}).version)\lib\net40\WebDriver.dll" Add-Type -Path ".\Protractor.$($protractorPackage.Where({$_.name -eq "Protractor"}).version)\lib\net40\Protractor.dll" # initialize chrome driver $chromeDriverPackage = Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver -Destination "." -Force -Source 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2' -ProviderName NuGet $Env:Path += ";" + ((Resolve-Path ".\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.$($chromeDriverPackage.Version)\driver\win32") -join ";") $Selenium = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver # interact with website $Selenium.Manage().Timeouts().SetScriptTimeout([TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(15)) # Configure timeouts (important since Protractor uses asynchronous client side scripts) $Protractor = New-Object Protractor.NgWebDriver($Selenium) try { $Protractor.Url = "https://url.com/folder/2880" $Protractor.WaitForAngular() # sync with angular, this waits for all elements to load $Protractor.FindElement([OpenQA.Selenium.By]::CssSelector('[ng-click="vm.callbacks.compareAll();"]')).Click(); Write-Host "Url is: $($Protractor.Url)" $FullhtmlDOM = $Protractor.PageSource Write-Host "Full page source: $FullhtmlDOM" } finally { $Protractor.Dispose() }
if you don't want to depend on Chrome browser, you can use headless PhantomJS instead. It will work the same way, you just download different packages:
... # initialize phantomjs driver $phantomJsDriverPackage = Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver.PhantomJS -Destination "." -Force -Source 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2' -ProviderName NuGet $Env:Path += ";" + ((Resolve-Path ".\Selenium.WebDriver.PhantomJS.$($phantomJsDriverPackage.Version)\driver") -join ";") $Selenium = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver ...
Answers 2
If your fine with IE It appears creating an IE COM object will get what you want.
$ie = New-Object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application" $ie.Navigate("URL GOES HERE") $Document = $ie.document $Document.GetElementsByTagName('div')
If you want it visible:
$ie.visible = $True
Here is the Microsoft page on the COM Object
And one on using it in powershell.
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