Can chartSeries, candleChart, or barChart be used to create an intraday chart in R?
chartSeries, candleChart, and barChart are part of the quantmod package for R.
2 Answers
Answers 1
First we need some example intraday trading data, which you can get for free from a variety of sites including Google's Undocumented Finance API.
Get some example data (hourly intervals)
query_addr <- '' stock_symb <- 'GOOG' stock_exch <- 'NASD' intvl_size <- 60*60 # 1 hr interval (in seconds) -- use 24*this for daily period_len <- '90d' output_fmt <- 'd,o,h,l,c,v' # date, open, high, low, close, volume library(httr) resp <- POST(url = query_addr, query = list(q = stock_symb, x = stock_exch, i = intvl_size, p = period_len, f = output_fmt) ) df <- read.csv(text = content(resp), skip = 7, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # we need a function to munge the date convention used by google finance API g_fin_date <- function(dstr, intvl_size){ unix_dates <- numeric(length(dstr)) date_is_unix <- grepl('^a',dstr) unix_dates[date_is_unix] <- as.numeric(sub('^a','',dstr[date_is_unix])) for(i in 2L:length(dstr)){ if(!date_is_unix[i]){ unix_dates[i] <- unix_dates[i-1] + intvl_size } } return(as.POSIXct(unix_dates,origin="1970-01-01",tz="GMT" )) } # see header of resp text for column order names(df) <- c('close_date','Close','High','Low','Open','Volume') df[,'close_date'] <- g_fin_date(df[,'close_date'], intvl_size=intvl_size)
Here I have just chosen hourly open (i.e. beginning price), high, low, close (i.e. ending price)-- but you can specify a finer level of detail if you desire -- it will still roll up to a larger period with quantmod::to.period()
Make an xts
Once we have a data frame (such as you might obtain from an API or flat file) then you need to convert the data to xts
. Note that for xts
the timestamp must be the row name (and can be dropped from the columns).
library(xts) rownames(df) <- df$close_date df$close_date <- NULL
Convert to OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) using xts
This is straightforward aggregation -- see ?to.period
GOOG <- to.hourly(as.xts(df)) # for daily use to.daily(as.xts(df))
More chart examples available at
Make some charts using quantmod
There are great charts already built into quantmod
, including the ones you mentioned.
library(quantmod) chartSeries(GOOG) barChart(GOOG, theme='white.mono',bar.type='hlc') candleChart(GOOG,multi.col=TRUE,theme='white')
Enjoy your charts
Answers 2
Me: "I'll take intra-day time series charts in R
for 100 Alex!" :D
Alex: "THIS popular format for financial time series can be used by quantmod
functions chartSeries
, candleChart
, and barChart
to create intraday charts in R
Me: "What is an xts
object, indexed by data/time stamp, containing prices for the Open, High, Low, and Close?
Alex: "Right you are!"
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