Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Default Column are not displayed in Material Design Data Table (iamisti/mdDataTable)

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I am trying to populate the <mdt-column> inside of <mdt-header-row> dynamically with an array from controller. This piece of code doesn't seem to work properly:


When loading the table default columns are not displayed. Some columns are set as default and are excluded from the "column-selector", so even after selecting all columns in the selector these columns are not displayed.

When i set ...columnSelector: false}... in table-card it shows me my columns, but the functions to select column is gone!?

How can i fix this?

This is the mdt-header-row:

<mdt-header-row> <mdt-column  hide-column-by-default="c.selector_hidden"  exclude-from-column-selector="c.selector_exclude"  column-sort="c.sort"  sortable-rows-default="c.sort_default"  column-key="{{c.key}}"   align-rule="{{c.align}}"  column-definition="{{c.definition}}"  ng-repeat="c in tableHeader"><span>{{}}</span></mdt-column>  </mdt-header-row> 

The Data is comming from this Array in controller:

$scope.tableHeader = [         {             name: 'Dessert (100g serving)',             definition: '',             align: 'left',             sort: true,             sort_default:false,             hidden: false,             selector_exclude:false,             selector_hidden:false         },... 

I also created a fork for it:

1 Answers

Answers 1

This piece of code doesn't seem to work properly:


That's because you don't have a selector_hidden property in any of the objects in your tableHeader array. It should look something like this:

$scope.tableHeader = [         {             name: 'Dessert (100g serving)',             definition: '',             align: 'left',             sort: true,             sort_default:false,             hidden: false,             selector_exclude:false,             selector_hidden:true         },... 
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