I would like to have four buttons like this:
<Grid x:Name="buttonGrid" Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Center" Padding="20, 0"> <Button x:Name="zeroButton" Text="0" HeightRequest="60" BackgroundColor="#2D7BF7" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand"/> <Button x:Name="oneButton" Text="1" HeightRequest="60" BackgroundColor="#2D7BF7" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand"/> <Button x:Name="twoButton" Text="2" HeightRequest="60" BackgroundColor="#2D7BF7" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand"/> <Button x:Name="fiveButton" Text="5" HeightRequest="60" BackgroundColor="#2D7BF7" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand"/> </Grid>
On an iPhone or a small mobile I would like to have these fill 90% of the screen width. But on a bigger screen I would like the buttons to only fill 50% of the screen width.
Can anyone suggest to me how I can do this?
1 Answers
Answers 1
If you need to create layouts that reference the ContentPage.Width
or ContentPage.Height
properties, the best way to do it is by using a RelativeLayout
If you try referencing the ContentPage.Width
or ContentPage.Height
properties directly, you will find that Xamarin.Forms returns -1
. This is because -1
is the default value that Xamarin.Forms uses when it hasn't instantiated the control yet.
uses Func
s to dynamically reference the page's Height
and Width
properties and will return the true value of the Height
and Width
properties once the ContentPage
has been instantiated.
using Xamarin.Forms; namespace HorizontalButtonSampleApp { public class ButtonPage : ContentPage { public ButtonPage() { const int relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing = 5; const int numberOfButtons = 4; double screenUsePercentage; if (Device.Idiom.Equals(TargetIdiom.Phone)) screenUsePercentage = 0.9; else screenUsePercentage = 0.5; var zeroButton = new StyledButton { Text = "0" }; var oneButton = new StyledButton { Text = "1" }; var twoButton = new StyledButton { Text = "2" }; var fiveButton = new StyledButton { Text = "5" }; var relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(); relativeLayout.Children.Add(zeroButton, Constraint.RelativeToParent(parent => parent.Width * (1 - screenUsePercentage) / 2), Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.RelativeToParent(parent => (parent.Width * screenUsePercentage - relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing * (numberOfButtons - 1)) / numberOfButtons)); relativeLayout.Children.Add(oneButton, Constraint.RelativeToView(zeroButton, (parent, view) => view.X + view.Width + relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing), Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.RelativeToParent(parent => (parent.Width * screenUsePercentage - relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing * (numberOfButtons - 1)) / numberOfButtons)); relativeLayout.Children.Add(twoButton, Constraint.RelativeToView(oneButton, (parent, view) => view.X + view.Width + relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing), Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.RelativeToParent(parent => (parent.Width * screenUsePercentage - relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing * (numberOfButtons - 1)) / numberOfButtons)); relativeLayout.Children.Add(fiveButton, Constraint.RelativeToView(twoButton, (parent, view) => view.X + view.Width + relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing), Constraint.Constant(0), Constraint.RelativeToParent(parent => (parent.Width * screenUsePercentage - relativeLayoutHorizontalSpacing * (numberOfButtons - 1)) / numberOfButtons)); Content = relativeLayout; Padding = new Thickness(0, 20); Title = $"Button Page on a {Device.Idiom}"; } } public class App : Application { public App() { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new ButtonPage()); } } public class StyledButton : Button { public StyledButton() { TextColor = Color.Black; HeightRequest = 60; BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("2D7BF7"); HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand; } } }
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