I have arcs/edges like these ‘haves’:
Node1 Node2 A B B C D E
Here A is connected to B and B to C. D is connected to E. In other words there are 2 groups/clusters shown in these ‘wants’:
Node1 Node2 Cluster A B 1 B C 1 D E 2
Could I use SQL to identify these groups/clusters? I guess this involves self-joins but I cannot see how to write this SQL. Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
2 Answers
Answers 1
Assuming from the sample data provided in question, that there is no loops like A->B->C->A
in data, Following is the query that will return the desired output.
WITH RECURSIVE NodeCluster (node1,node2,Cluster1) AS (SELECT node1, node2, Rank() Over ( ORDER BY Char2HexInt(node1)) FROM nodes WHERE node1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT(n1.node1) AS nList FROM nodes n1 WHERE n1.node1 IS NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(n2.node2) FROM nodes n2) ) UNION ALL SELECT N1.node1, N1.node2, CASE WHEN NodeCluster.Node1=n1.node1 THEN (Cluster1+1) ELSE Cluster1 END FROM nodes n1, NodeCluster WHERE NodeCluster.node2=n1.node1 ) SELECT * FROM NodeCluster ORDER BY Cluster1, node1, node2;
In seed query all the starting nodes are selected and Char2HexInt
function is used to sort the seed nodes in asc
On the data provided in question, following is the output.
Node1 | Node2 | Cluster1 ------------------------- A B 1 B C 1 D E 2
For re-assurance, more data has been added to the sample data as below.
Node1 | Node2 ------------- A B B C D E E F F G H I I J J K L M
The query resulted in below output.
Node1 | Node2 | Cluster1 ------------------------- A B 1 B C 1 D E 2 E F 2 F G 2 H I 3 I J 3 J K 3 L M 4
Hope this will help.
Edit: After dnoeth suggestions, below is the simpler version of initial query.
WITH RECURSIVE NodeCluster (node1,node2,Cluster1) AS (SELECT node1, node2, Rank() Over ( ORDER BY node1) FROM nodes AS n1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM nodes AS n2 WHERE n1.node1 = n2.node2) UNION ALL SELECT N1.node1, N1.node2, NodeCluster.Cluster1 FROM nodes n1, NodeCluster WHERE NodeCluster.node2=n1.node1 ) SELECT * FROM NodeCluster ORDER BY Cluster1, node1, node2;
Answers 2
Try this:
DECLARE @Edges TABLE ( ID INT , Node1 CHAR(1) , Node2 CHAR(1) ); INSERT INTO @Edges ( Node1, Node2 ) VALUES ( 'A', 'B' ), ( 'B', 'C' ), ( 'D', 'E' ); WITH CTE_Nodes AS ( SELECT Node1 AS Node FROM @Edges UNION SELECT Node2 AS Node FROM @Edges ), CTE_Pairs AS ( SELECT Node1 , Node2 FROM @Edges WHERE Node1 <> Node2 UNION SELECT Node2 AS Node1 , Node1 AS Node2 FROM @Edges WHERE Node1 <> Node2 ), CTE_Recursive AS ( SELECT CAST(CTE_Nodes.Node AS VARCHAR(8000)) AS AnchorNode , Node1 , Node2 , CAST(',' + Node1 + ',' + Node2 + ',' AS VARCHAR(8000)) AS NodePath , 1 AS Lvl FROM CTE_Pairs INNER JOIN CTE_Nodes ON CTE_Nodes.Node = CTE_Pairs.Node1 UNION ALL SELECT CTE_Recursive.AnchorNode , CTE_Pairs.Node1 , CTE_Pairs.Node2 , CAST(CTE_Recursive.NodePath + CTE_Pairs.Node2 + ',' AS VARCHAR(8000)) AS NodePath , CTE_Recursive.Lvl + 1 AS Lvl FROM CTE_Pairs INNER JOIN CTE_Recursive ON CTE_Recursive.Node2 = CTE_Pairs.Node1 WHERE CTE_Recursive.NodePath NOT LIKE CAST('%,' + CTE_Pairs.Node2 + ',%' AS VARCHAR(8000)) ), CTE_RecursionResult AS ( SELECT AnchorNode , Node1 , Node2 FROM CTE_Recursive ), CTE_CleanResult AS ( SELECT AnchorNode , Node1 AS Node FROM CTE_RecursionResult UNION SELECT AnchorNode , Node2 AS Node FROM CTE_RecursionResult ) SELECT Edges.Node1 , Edges.Node2 , DENSE_RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY CASE WHEN CA_Data.XML_Value IS NULL THEN Edges.Node1 ELSE CA_Data.XML_Value END ) AS Cluster FROM @Edges Edges CROSS APPLY ( SELECT CTE_CleanResult.Node + ',' FROM CTE_CleanResult WHERE CTE_CleanResult.AnchorNode = Edges.Node1 ORDER BY CTE_CleanResult.Node FOR XML PATH('') , TYPE ) AS CA_XML ( XML_Value ) CROSS APPLY ( SELECT CA_XML.XML_Value.value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ) AS CA_Data ( XML_Value );
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