Is there something wrong with my benchmark? How can Immutable.js find() be 8 times slower than array.find()?
Ok, not entirely fair, since I'm using Immutable.Map inside of the Immutable.List. But to me this is a real world example. If I use Immutable.js it's to protect immutability and to gain performance in some aspects (where structural sharing come to play). The would be no point in using Immutable.js only at the root of the object.
The below benchmark is actually from another question (mine as well). I was so surprised by the results, I had to post it separately to get it straight. Have I done something wrong in my benchmarks, or is the performance difference really this big?
Some of the data in my app could be considered app metadata. The original data lives in a database at the server. Updates to the metadata will not be done often. The app will check for updated metadata on startup.
I'm using Immutable.js everywhere, but I will go back to plain js for the metadata. There is no need for fancy structural sharing for this kind of data.
The test is to find values by key in a collection
Collection of 10 items
Find a value one million times
Mac mini core i7 2.6
Plain JS object with coerced keys: 8 ms
Plain JS array using find(): 127 ms
Immutable.Map with numeric keys: 185 ms
Immutable.List using find(): 972 ms !! I'm baffled
As I'm using React Native I always have to look out for the 16 ms limit if I want to achieve 60 fps. The benchmark values does not seem to be linear. Running the test with only 100 lookups takes 1 ms with Map and 2 ms with List. That's quite expensive.
Test code
let Immutable = require('immutable'); let mapTest = Immutable.Map() .set(1, Immutable.Map({value: 'one'})) .set(2, Immutable.Map({value: 'two'})) .set(3, Immutable.Map({value: 'three'})) .set(4, Immutable.Map({value: 'four'})) .set(5, Immutable.Map({value: 'five'})) .set(6, Immutable.Map({value: 'six'})) .set(7, Immutable.Map({value: 'seven'})) .set(8, Immutable.Map({value: 'eight'})) .set(9, Immutable.Map({value: 'nine'})) .set(10, Immutable.Map({value: 'ten'})); let listTest = Immutable.fromJS([ {key: 1, value: 'one'}, {key: 2, value: 'two'}, {key: 3, value: 'three'}, {key: 4, value: 'four'}, {key: 5, value: 'five'}, {key: 6, value: 'six'}, {key: 7, value: 'seven'}, {key: 8, value: 'eight'}, {key: 9, value: 'nine'}, {key: 10, value: 'ten'} ]) let objTest = { 1: {value: 'one'}, 2: {value: 'two'}, 3: {value: 'three'}, 4: {value: 'four'}, 5: {value: 'five'}, 6: {value: 'six'}, 7: {value: 'seven'}, 8: {value: 'eight'}, 9: {value: 'nine'}, 10: {value: 'ten'} }; let arrayTest = [ {key: 1, value: 'one'}, {key: 2, value: 'two'}, {key: 3, value: 'three'}, {key: 4, value: 'four'}, {key: 5, value: 'five'}, {key: 6, value: 'six'}, {key: 7, value: 'seven'}, {key: 8, value: 'eight'}, {key: 9, value: 'nine'}, {key: 10, value: 'ten'} ]; const runs = 1e6; let i; let key; let hrStart; console.log(' ') console.log('mapTest -----------------------------') key = 1; hrstart = process.hrtime(); for(i=0; i<runs; i++) { let result = mapTest.getIn([key, 'value'] ) key = (key >= 10) ? 1 : key + 1; } hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);"Execution time (hr): %dms", hrend[0] * 1000 + hrend[1]/1000000); console.log(' ') console.log('listTest -----------------------------') key = 1; hrstart = process.hrtime(); for(i=0; i<runs; i++) { let result = listTest .find(item => item.get('key') === key) .get('value'); key = (key >= 10) ? 1 : key + 1; } hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);"Execution time (hr): %dms", hrend[0] * 1000 + hrend[1]/1000000); console.log(' ') console.log('arrayTest -----------------------------') key = 1; hrstart = process.hrtime(); for(i=0; i<runs; i++) { let result = arrayTest .find(item => item.key === key) .value key = (key >= 10) ? 1 : key + 1; } hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);"Execution time (hr): %dms", hrend[0] * 1000 + hrend[1]/1000000); console.log(' ') console.log('objTest -----------------------------') key = 1; hrstart = process.hrtime(); for(i=0; i<runs; i++) { let result = objTest[key].value key = (key >= 10) ? 1 : key + 1; } hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart);"Execution time (hr): %dms", hrend[0] * 1000 + hrend[1]/1000000);
2 Answers
Answers 1
The short answer is that the representation of data structures used by Immutable.js requires a lot of additional overhead to iterate through the elements of a List, compared to a native JS array.
Benchmarking Immutable.List.find and Array.find
Your benchmark is good, but we can simplify matters a bit by getting rid of the nested map; you're right to consider performance for realistic problems, but it can be helpful in understanding performance differences to simplify the problem as much as possible. It's also often useful in benchmarking to consider how performance changes over different input sizes. For instance, it's possible that in Immutable.js, List.prototype.find
is implemented in such a way that the intitial call and setup take awhile but that the subsequent iterating through the List performs similarly to native JS Arrays; in this case, the difference in performance between native JS Arrays and Immutable.js lists would decrease for long input lengths (this turns out not to be the case).
Let's also create our own find function for native JS arrays, Array.prototype.ourFind
to compare to the native Array.prototype.find
to determine if the difference could in part be due to the performance of JS functions themselves vs. performance of functions built-in to the implementation.
Array.prototype.ourFind = function(predicate) { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (predicate(this[i])) return this[i]; } } function arrayRange(len) { return new Array(len).fill(null).map((_, i) => i); } function immutListRange(len) { return Immutable.fromJS(arrayRange(len)); } function timeFind(coll, find, iters) { let startTime =; for (let i = 0; i < iters; i++) { let searchVal = i % coll.length, result =, item => item === searchVal); } return Math.floor( - startTime); } const MIN_LEN = 10, MAX_LEN = 1e4, ITERS = 1e5; console.log('\t\tArray.find\tArray.ourFind\tList.find'); for (let len = MIN_LEN; len <= MAX_LEN; len *= 10) { console.log(`${len}\t\t\t` + `${timeFind(arrayRange(len), Array.prototype.find, ITERS)}\t\t\t` + `${timeFind(arrayRange(len), Array.prototype.ourFind, ITERS)}\t\t\t` + `${timeFind(immutListRange(len), Immutable.List.prototype.find, ITERS)}`) }
<script src=""></script>
In Chrome, I get:
Length . Array.find Array.ourFind List.find 10 28 13 96 100 60 44 342 1000 549 342 3016 10000 5533 3142 36423
I got roughly similar results in Firefox and Safari. A few points to note:
- The difference between
is not simply due to native (i.e. interpreter built-in) implementations vs. JS implementations, because a JS implementation ofArray.ourFind
performs at least as well asArray.find
. - All implementations work in O(n) time (i.e. execution time is linear with respect to input length). This is to be expected, since a find algorithm will always have to work by iterating through the collection elements until it finds one for which the predicate returns true.
is ~6-fold slower thanArray.find
, consistent with your benchmarking results.
Immutable.List data representation
To understand why Immutable.List.find
is so much slower, you first have to consider how Immutable.List
represents the list contents.
A quick way to do this is to generate an Immutable.List
and examine it in the console:
console.log(immutListRange(1000)); // immutListRange defined above
So essentially it looks like Immutable.List
represents the contents as a tree with a branching factor of 32.
Now consider what it will take to run a find operation on data that are represented in this way. You will have to start at the root node, and traverse the tree down to the first leaf node (which contains an Array with the actual data), and iterate through the contents of the leaf; if the element is not found, you have to go to the next leaf node and search that Array, and so on. It's a more complex operation than merely searching through a single array, and it requires overhead to execute.
Watching Immutable.List.find at work
A great way to appreciate the work that Immutable.List.find
does is to set a break point in your debugger of choice and step through the operation. You'll see that Immutable.List.Find
is not nearly as simple an operation as merely looping through a single Array.
Additional comments
The tree representation of data in Immutable.js presumably accelerates other operations, but entails a performance penalty with some functions, such as find.
As a side note, I don't think in most cases that the choice to use immutable data structures is driven by performance considerations. There may be some cases where immutable data structures perform better than mutable ones (and certainly immutable data structures make parallel computing less complex, which enables significant performance gain), but there will be many cases when the opposite is true. Rather, the choice of immutability is, in most cases, driven by design considerations--i.e. using immutable data structures forces program designs that will be more robust and, in the long run, increase developer productivity.
Answers 2
JS engines are very good at optimising 'hot' operations - ones that get repeated a lot and that are as simple as possible (for instance TurboFan in V8). Plain JS objects and array functions are always going to beat a library like Immutable.js, where List
calls Collection
calls Seq
calls Operations
(and so on), especially when the actions are repeated many times.
Immutable.js appears to be designed for convenience of use and avoiding a lot of the nastyness of mutable JS collections, rather than pure performance.
If you have a million things, use a low level JS object or array (or Web Assembly, if performance is critical). If you have a thousand things and need to be certain of not dropping a frame then plain JS is still the way to go. These are specialised cases though - for most use cases the convenience of Immutable.js is worth the speed reduction.
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