Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Table rows not automatically scrolling. Script 1 scrolls, script 2 does not scroll. Why?

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I deleted my first question and have rewitten with more detail and addition jSfiddle domos.

I have a script that runs a query and returns data which then populates a table. The rows in the tables auto scroll in a loop. All this works fine and is done by using the following code. However what I need to do is to display the same data from a JSON call enabling automatic screen updates without having to refresh the complete page. I have this working in SCRIPT 2, but what I can't get to work is the automatic scrolling which does work in SCRIPT 1.


<table id='table_scroll'> <section id="section"> do {  <div class='container'>     <div class='clientname-text'><?php echo $row_conf['ClientName'];?></div>     <div class='roomname-text'><?php echo $row_conf['RoomName'];?></div>     <div class='time-text'><?php echo date("H:i", strtotime($row_conf['RoomFromTime'])) . " - " . date("H:i", strtotime($row_conf['RoomToTime']));?></div> </div> } while ($row_conf = mysqli_fetch_assoc($conf));   </section> </table>   $.fn.infiniteScrollUp=function(){     var self=this,conf=self.children()     setInterval(function(){     conf.slice(10).hide();         conf.filter(':hidden').eq(0).slideDown()         conf.eq(0).slideUp(6000, "linear",function(){         $(this).appendTo(self);     conf=self.children();       });     },100)     return this; }   $(function(){     $('section').infiniteScrollUp() }) 


I now want to use data retuned by a JSON call to dynamically create the table. I have already done this using the following code.

SCRIPT 2 THIS DOES NOT WORK, Can anyone see why?

<table id='table_scroll'> <section id="section"></section> </table>  $(document).ready(function() {     function get_data() {         $.getJSON("get_data_logos.php", function(json){             json = json[0].data;             var tr ;             $('table').html("");             for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {                 tr = $('<tr/>');                 tr.css("border-bottom","2px solid #FFF");                 tr.append("<td width='33%'><div class='clientname-text'>" + json[i].ClientName + "</div></td>");                 tr.append("<td width='33%'><div class='roomname-text'>" + json[i].RoomName + "</div></td>");                 tr.append("<td width='33%'><div class='time-text'>" + json[i].RoomFromTime + " - " + json[i].RoomToTime + "</div></td>");                 $('table').append(tr);             }         });     } get_data(); setInterval(get_data,60000) });  $.fn.infiniteScrollUp=function(){     var self=this,conf=self.children()     setInterval(function(){     conf.slice(10).hide();         conf.filter(':hidden').eq(0).slideDown()         conf.eq(0).slideUp(6000, "linear",function(){         $(this).appendTo(self);     conf=self.children();       });     },100)     return this; }   $(function(){     $('section').infiniteScrollUp() }) 

My question is: How caan I get SCRIPT 2 to work with the scroll as it does in SCRIPT 1.


Again, many thanks in advance for your time.

1 Answers

Answers 1

you're not using the table at any of the snippets you posted. and your getdata() is not defined anywhere.

all I did was to convert your JSON object into HTML the rest of the code remains untouched: https://jsfiddle.net/5k9wk6vj/

$(function(){    let $section = $('section');   let clients = json[0].data;    //json to html   $.each(clients, function (key, client) {     $section.append(        "<div class='container'>" +         "<div class='clientname-text'>" + client.ClientName + "</div>" +         "<div class='roomname-text'>" + client.RoomName + "</div>" +         "<div class='time-text'>" + client.RoomFromTime + " - " + client.RoomToTime + "</div>" +       "</div>");   });    //start scrolling   $section.infiniteScrollUp(); })  

chances are the HTML can be built cleaner with HTML templates or such but this should work.

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