Sunday, September 10, 2017

jenkins ignores “inclusive regions”

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I have two jenkins projects

1) one that polls over git repo

2) second that triggers java application

I want to configure (1) to poll on a specific file only, so i did it under "inclusive regions". However, i see the project is triggered after every change in the repo, not only when the specific file is changed.

Has anyone experienced the same?

Other work around?

enter image description here

1 Answers

Answers 1

Following the question "Jenkins Git plugin included regions not working", make sure that:

  • your "included region" is a path relative to the root folder of your Git repo.

  • "Force polling using workspace" under "Source-Code-Management - Additional Behaviours"

Note: there are still open bugs relative to "included regions":

Make sure you are not monitoring all branches.

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