Tuesday, September 12, 2017

JS or JQuery Day Parting Library

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I am trying to get this day part scheduler to work on my website: https://github.com/artsy/day-schedule-selector

enter image description here

However that one doesn't work as I am on JQuery 2.2 and I can't get it to run, despite lots of attempts. I have Bootstrap on my website as well I load the script from the plugin and I see no errors in the console about it having issues loading the script. I have the div setup with ID 'weekly-schedule' where I want the scheduler to appear and I call the script to load the Scheduler like so:

$("#weekly-schedule").dayScheduleSelector({   days: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6],   startTime: '09:50',   endTime: '21:06',   interval: 15 }); 

Then nothing, no errors and nothing is changed on the page and no scheduler appears. Can someone detail the steps they took to get it to work maybe I am missing something.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Turns out when combined with Bootstrap something goes wrong when it tries to generate the Table and bind to the <div>.

This can be corrected by changing some default class names and setting CSS.

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