Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rails 5 HABTM from multiple databases works in mysql command but error in Rails

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I am building an rails 5 app that connects to 2 different databases (dbA & dbB). My databases are on the same database host.

I want to make a wishlist. Pretty easy when using the same DB, but I am stuck with an "interesting" error.

This is what the databases look like:

enter image description here

the models are as follow:


class User < ApplicationRecord   has_one :wishlist, dependent: :destroy end 


class Wishlist < ApplicationRecord   belongs_to :user   # has_and_belongs_to_many :wines   # The above did not work   # so I had to revert to has_many through   has_many :wines_wishlists   has_many :wines, through: :wines_wishlists end 


class WinesWishlist < ApplicationRecord   belongs_to :wine   belongs_to :wishlist    def self.table_name_prefix     "dbA_#{Rails.env}."   end   # I added the above to prevent ActiveRecord from   # looking for the table in the wrong database end 

wine.rb (legacy model)

class Wine < ApplicationRecord   self.abstract_class = true   establish_connection LEGACY_DB    # LEGACY_DB is the legacy database connection info from a yaml file   # located in config.    def self.table_name_prefix     "dbB_#{Rails.env}."   end end 

This is quite straigth forward IMHO. Now the interresting error:

When I try the following :

user = User.last user.wishlist.wines 

It works on my local machine in development. It doesn't work on my staging server! When I try in the rails console, I get this:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Table 'dbA_staging.wines_wishlists' doesn't exist: SELECT  `dbB_staging`.`wines`.* FROM `dbB_staging`.`wines` INNER JOIN `dbA_staging`.`wines_wishlists` ON `dbB_staging`.`wines`.`id` = `dbA_staging`.`wines_wishlists`.`wine_id` WHERE `dbA_staging`.`wines_wishlists`.`wishlist_id` = 1 

This is the expected SQL.

user.wishlist.wines.to_sql => "SELECT  `dbB_staging`.`wines`.* FROM `dbB_staging`.`wines` INNER JOIN `dbA_staging`.`wines_wishlists` ON `dbB_staging`.`wines`.`id` = `dbA_staging`.`wines_wishlists`.`wine_id` WHERE `dbA_staging`.`wines_wishlists`.`wishlist_id` = 1" 

Even better, when I try the same SQL in rails db on my staging machine, it works!! It doesn't work in rails even though the SQL is correct, but it works in mysql command line.

I based my code on the following article and made some research, but I can't seem to figure out how to go around this problem.

I am using (same for development and staging):

  • Rails 5.1.1
  • ruby 2.4.0p0
  • mysql 5.6.34 (staging)
  • mysql 5.7.17 (development)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answers

Answers 1

Taking a look at the article you linked to, it seems to be using a gem st-elsewhere, i.e.

has_many_elsewhere :wines, :through => :wines_wishlist 

Also, as stated in the article, you can't make JOIN queries across database connections. The gem circumvents this using some less efficient queries, the details of which I did not look up.

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