Friday, September 29, 2017

Returning File() returns more bytes

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Consider the following code:

//get bytes var query = await _storage.Get(attachment.Id, General.ContainerType.Uploads); //just for the sake of debugging var mem = new MemoryStream(query); //return the uploaded file return File(mem, MimeTypesMap.GetMimeType(attachment.FileName), attachment.FileName); 

After uploading a .jpg image of 67kb and then downloading it with this method, the returned image is 107 kb. I have checked whether the bytes are stored and retrieved correctly and they indeed are constistent with what I have uploaded. If I upload a text file and return it the content and the size is correct.

I assume File() does some magic, but I can't figure out why and what?

1 Answers

Answers 1

Its not about the File but it is something to do with the MemoryStream , for getting bytes stored in memorystream passing an entire stream is not appropriate way better to use its convenient ToArray() method. You could try with the Binarywriter

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