Friday, October 27, 2017

AVAudioEngine Xamarin.iOS not catched exception engine required running

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I'm using Xamarin.iOS for an application using AVAudioEngine.

Sometimes I get this exception :

AVFoundation_AVAudioPlayerNode_Play Terminating app due to uncaught exception '', reason: 'required condition is false: _engine->IsRunning()'

This point to my code:

private void PlayAudio() {     try     {         NSError err;         if (Engine.StartAndReturnError(out err))         {             foreach (var audioTrack in _dicPlayerNodes)             {                 audioTrack.Value.Play();             }         }         else         {             Messenger.Publish(new AudioErrorMessage(this) { Platform = "IOS", Code = Convert.ToInt32(err.Code), Message = err.LocalizedDescription ?? err.Description });              _exceptionHandlerService.PostHockeyApp(new Exception($"{err.Code} {err.Description}"));         }     }     catch (Exception ex)     {         _exceptionHandlerService.PostExceptionAsync(ex).Forget();     } } 

I don't understand how is it possible to have this exception that engine is not running, because in my code I Start it and get error if it failed to start ... Then play it.

Also I have a try catch that's not working in this case :( so my applicaton just crashed.

Any advices or idea ?

I comes to this thread but it doesn't help me to understand:


  • IOS version : 10.3.3

  • Device: ipad 2

  • Xamarin.ios:


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