Sunday, October 22, 2017

navebarMenu is always highlighted

1 comment

I have a navbarPage, within that I have three navbarMenu. But the first navbarMenu i.e, "Help" is always highlighted by default and with that navbarMenu tabpanel "Manual" is also always highlighted. How to avoid that. The sample code is shown below


shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",                   (navbarPage("B Version",                               position = c("fixed-top"),                               fluid=TRUE,                               navbarMenu("Help",                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Manual",                                              target="_blank", href="Manual.pdf")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Supporte",                                              target="_blank", href="gpl.pdf")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Tutorials",                                              downloadLink("AbE", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download"),                                              downloadLink("DiEx", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                            )                                          )                               ),                               navbarMenu("Sample Data",                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("AData", " Aff", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("CData", " Code", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("IData", " Il", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          )                               ),                               navbarMenu("Stand-Alone Version",                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("CodeandData", " app", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Stand-alone Manual",                                              target = "_blank", href= "Stand-alone.pdf")                                          )                               )                    )                   ) ) ) 


shinyServer(function(input, output,session) { }) 



This part show how it reacts with the answer provided @amrrs . It shows the data when the cursor is pressed and then again disappears.


shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",                   tags$script("setInterval(function(){                               $('.active').removeClass('active');//remove class active                               },1000);"),                   (navbarPage("B Version",                               position = c("fixed-top"),                               fluid=TRUE,selected = "none",                               navbarMenu("Help",                                           tabPanel(                                            a("Manual",                                              target="_blank", href="Manual.pdf")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Supporte",                                              target="_blank", href="gpl.pdf")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Tutorials",                                              downloadLink("AbE", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download"),                                              downloadLink("DiEx", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                            )                                          )                               ),                               navbarMenu("Sample Data",                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("AData", " Aff", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("CData", " Code", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("IData", " Il", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          )                               ),                               navbarMenu("Stand-Alone Version",                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("CodeandData", " app", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Stand-alone Manual",                                              target = "_blank", href= "Stand-alone.pdf")                                          )                               )   ) ),  br(), br(),    sidebarLayout(   sidebarPanel(     h5("Upload Data Files",style="bold"),     fileInput("files",                "Choose CSV/txt processed files or raw files",               multiple = "TRUE",               accept=c('text/csv',                        'text/comma-separated-values,                        text/plain', '.csv','.cel','.TXT','.txt'))                        ),                      mainPanel(                       tabsetPanel(id = "MaTabs",                         tabPanel("Source-data", dataTableOutput("sourced"))                       )                      )                     ))) 


shinyServer(function(input, output,session) {    output$sourced <- renderDataTable(mtcars) }) 

2 Answers

Answers 1

Based on this answer adding a small snippet of js helps it.

Updated Code with hiding active only for nav:

 shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",                   tags$script("setInterval(function(){                               $('.nav').removeClass('active');//remove class active                               },1000);"),                   (navbarPage("B Version",                               position = c("fixed-top"),                               fluid=TRUE,selected = "none",                               navbarMenu("Help",                                           tabPanel(                                            a("Manual",                                              target="_blank", href="Manual.pdf")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Supporte",                                              target="_blank", href="gpl.pdf")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Tutorials",                                              downloadLink("AbE", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download"),                                              downloadLink("DiEx", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                            )                                          )                               ),                               navbarMenu("Sample Data",                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("AData", " Aff", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("CData", " Code", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("IData", " Il", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          )                               ),                               navbarMenu("Stand-Alone Version",                                          tabPanel(                                            downloadLink("CodeandData", " app", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                          ),                                          tabPanel(                                            a("Stand-alone Manual",                                              target = "_blank", href= "Stand-alone.pdf")                                          )                               )   ) ),  br(), br(),    sidebarLayout(   sidebarPanel(     h5("Upload Data Files",style="bold"),     fileInput("files",                "Choose CSV/txt processed files or raw files",               multiple = "TRUE",               accept=c('text/csv',                        'text/comma-separated-values,                        text/plain', '.csv','.cel','.TXT','.txt'))                ),    mainPanel(     tabsetPanel(id = "MaTabs",                 tabPanel("Source-data", dataTableOutput("sourced"))     )    ) ))) 

Answers 2

To remove highlight from first navbarMenu you can add an argument selected = "none" in navbarPage function. To remove highlight from navbarMenu tabpanel you can use the following css:

tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .active a{color : #333; background-color:#f5f5f5;}")

So in your code it would be something like this:

shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",                              tags$style(type = 'text/css', ".navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .active a{color : #333; background-color:#f5f5f5;}"),                              (navbarPage("B Version",                                         position = c("fixed-top"),                                         fluid=TRUE,selected = "none",                                         navbarMenu("Help",                                                     tabPanel(                                                      a("Manual",                                                        target="_blank", href="Manual.pdf")                                                    ),                                                    tabPanel(                                                      a("Supporte",                                                        target="_blank", href="gpl.pdf")                                                    ),                                                    tabPanel(                                                      a("Tutorials",                                                        downloadLink("AbE", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download"),                                                        downloadLink("DiEx", "Expression", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                                      )                                                    )                                         ),                                         navbarMenu("Sample Data",                                                    tabPanel(                                                      downloadLink("AData", " Aff", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                                    ),                                                    tabPanel(                                                      downloadLink("CData", " Code", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                                    ),                                                    tabPanel(                                                      downloadLink("IData", " Il", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                                    )                                         ),                                         navbarMenu("Stand-Alone Version",                                                    tabPanel(                                                      downloadLink("CodeandData", " app", class=" fa fa-cloud-download")                                                    ),                                                    tabPanel(                                                      a("Stand-alone Manual",                                                        target = "_blank", href= "Stand-alone.pdf")                                                    )                                         )                              )                             )     )     ) 

With this you get the output as:

enter image description here


enter image description here

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