I'm struggling to trigger a web service that's written in Giraffe.
Here's the code:
let webApp : HttpContext -> HttpHandlerResult = choose [ GET >=> choose [ routef "/platforms/" fetchPlatforms ]
fetchPlatforms is implemented as follows:
let private fetchPlatforms () (context : HttpContext) = async { let response = getPlatforms() return! json response context }
The issue that I'm running into is that when I run the server code and then attempt to test the web service, I get the following message:
Here's the entire solution.
I am only observing this issue in VS Code.
Hence, I can observe a successful web request and response using Visual Studio 2017 (3) version 15.4
Here's the video that demonstrates the difference between VS2017 and VS Code
2 Answers
Answers 1
I downloaded your source code and tried to reproduce the issue, but first I was getting an error during startup because I don't have your db configured locally, therefore I made the following change:
type TestObj = { Prop1 : string Prop2 : int } let private fetchPlatforms = let obj1 = { Prop1 = "test"; Prop2 = 100 } json obj1 // let response = getPlatforms() // json response
... and when I start the app now and make a Postman call to the /platforms
endpoint then it seems to work fine for me...
Have you resolved your issue perhaps?
Answers 2
routef should match pattern: https://github.com/dustinmoris/Giraffe#routef
otherwise try route:
let webApp : HttpContext -> HttpHandlerResult = choose [ GET >=> choose [ route "/platforms" >=> fetchPlatforms ]
And looking at your code, the fetchPlatforms function is not a proper handler. HttpHandler :
A HttpHandler is a simple function which takes two curried arguments, a HttpFunc and a HttpContext, and returns a HttpContext (wrapped in an option and Task workflow) when finished.
Instead of:
let private fetchPlatforms = let response = getPlatforms() json response
Try something like that:
let fetchPlatforms = fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) -> let response = getPlatforms() json response next ctx
You can do that async as well (it depends on getPlatforms):
let fetchPlatforms = fun (next : HttpFunc) (ctx : HttpContext) -> task { let! response = getPlatforms() return! json response next ctx }
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