Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Adding tabs to a window with no titlebar

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I am trying to add tabs to a window with no titlebar. Setting self.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true or disabling the titlebar blocks system tabs, and I can't find any Safari style tabs in the object panel.

On a normal window, you can create tabs by making two windows and selecting Window > Merge All Windows

This can be seen below the default "Show, Minimize, Zoom" that Xcode makes.

Option shown Normal window, tabs can be created

On a borderless window, the option is not there and is not in first responder

Option not shown Borderless Window, Tabs are not allowed

On a window with a titlebarAppearsTransparent, the option is not there and is not in first responder.

Option not shown titlebarAppearsTransparent window, Tabs are not allowed

Without using Merge all Windows, there doesn't seem to be a builtin Safari style tab view. The tab view that is builtin uses system preferences style tabs and I am trying to get Safari/Finder/System style tabs. I don't want to use custom rendered tabs because they won't work and feel the same way the system tabs do.

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