Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Flexdashboard doesn't work with Shiny URL state

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I am trying to combine flexdashboard with Shiny state bookmarking. When used alone (example from the docs) Shiny app works fine, but when put in flexdasboard, url is not updated:

--- title: "Untitled" output:    flexdashboard::flex_dashboard:     orientation: columns     vertical_layout: fill     runtime: shiny ---  ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(flexdashboard) ```  Column {data-width=650} -----------------------------------------------------------------------  ### Chart A  ```{r}  shinyApp(   ui=function(req) {     fluidPage(       textInput("txt", "Text"),       checkboxInput("chk", "Checkbox")     )   },   server=function(input, output, session) {     observe({       # Trigger this observer every time an input changes       reactiveValuesToList(input)       session$doBookmark()     })     onBookmarked(function(url) {       updateQueryString(url)     })   },   enableBookmarking = "url" )  ``` 

Is this even possible? Compared to standalone execution:

shinyApp(   ui=function(req) {     fluidPage(       textInput("txt", "Text"),       checkboxInput("chk", "Checkbox")     )   },   server=function(input, output, session) {     observe({       # Trigger this observer every time an input changes       reactiveValuesToList(input)       session$doBookmark()     })     onBookmarked(function(url) {       updateQueryString(url)     })   },   enableBookmarking = "url" ) 

it looks like onBookmarked (and similar events like onBookmark, onRestore and onRestored) are never triggered.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Bookmarking isn't supported in Shiny apps embedded in R Markdown documents.

See discussion here:

Sounds like it's technically possible, but tricky to do. For example, what happens if there are multiple apps embedded in the document? Also, apps are embedded as iframes, so there would have to be some wiring up to be done to allow these apps to access/modify their parent window's URL.

However, I just learned that Prerendered Shiny Documents exist, which are single, inline apps. Bookmarking would actually work here, although not 100% the same since the UI is pre-rendered for each browser session. Any static UI would have to be manually restored with bookmarking callbacks, but dynamic UI would be restored just fine.

--- title: "Untitled" output:  flexdashboard::flex_dashboard:   orientation: columns   vertical_layout: fill runtime: shiny_prerendered ---  ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) enableBookmarking("url") ```  Column {data-width=650} -----------------------------------------------------------------------  ### Chart A  ```{r} fluidPage(   uiOutput("content"),   selectInput("sel", label = "Select", choices = c(10, 20, 30), selected = 10) ) ```  ```{r, context="server"} observe({   reactiveValuesToList(input)   session$doBookmark() })  onBookmarked(function(url) {   updateQueryString(url) })  # Static inputs are pre-rendered, and must be manually restored  onRestored(function(state) {   updateSelectInput(session, "sel", selected = state$input$sel) })  # Dynamic inputs will be restored with no extra effort output$content <- renderUI({   tagList(     textInput("txt", "Text"),     checkboxInput("chk", "Checkbox")   ) }) ``` 
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