Wednesday, November 29, 2017

How to prevent HTTP session flood attack

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Flood Attack: In short, a hacker can keep hitting the server (without cookie) to force Java container to keep creating new session.

I am using Spring Security to manage session. I realize jsessionid keep being created before login, this is not what I want.

So I did:

1) in Spring security config:


2) disable session creation in jsp. Because I am using apache tile, due to it is using dynamic include, so I have to disable session creation in all the jsp fragment. This is very tedious.

<%@page session="false"%> 

First glance, it is fine, but there is a scenario I still got the session created.

Let's say before login, I visit a url that only can be visited after authenticated, Spring will redirect me to login page.

Before I am redirected, the response already instruct to set a new cookie, a session already created.

My Question:

1) Is session flood attack a serious issue? Should I really take care of it?

2) Is there any better way to handle this issue? Any best practise?

3) What happen to my code? It should work actually, I suspect the cookie is created by Spring, although I already set it to SessionCreationPolicy.NEVER. I can't set it to Stateless, I still need the session after login.

I am more concerned session attack compare to DDOS actually, I have also set .maximumSessions(1) in Spring to prevent multiple login. But above issue happen before login. Please help. Thanks.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Your point looks valid, it probably can be a serious issue if not handled. I found there is already an open issue on this topic. But there is a work around available to control this behavior.

public class ApiSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {         public HttpSessionRequestCache getHttpSessionRequestCache() {             HttpSessionRequestCache httpSessionRequestCache = new HttpSessionRequestCache();             httpSessionRequestCache.setCreateSessionAllowed(false);             return httpSessionRequestCache;         }          @Override         protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {             http.requestCache().requestCache(getHttpSessionRequestCache()); } 

Refer following links for more details.

How to stop Spring Security from creating a new session?

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