Here is my problem which I am trying to solve since one complete year. With no success till end of the year. I have to seek help and a concrete solutions from the stackoverflow experts.
My problem statement:
I have been working with some design patterns which I want to trace if eulerian path exist(as shown in below gifs), programmatically. Below are the patterns and the way I wanna draw them(gifs).
What I wanna achieve:
Give the design pattern images as input. I want trace the design pattern image in a single stroke as shown in the gifs(gifs animations are just examples of how the patterns is drawn in single stroke). Once I get the x and y coordinates of the image in single stroke fashion(eulerian path). I will feed those coordinates to my program to just trace those coordinates.
Thing to be noted in the animation:
1) basically its an undetected graph (the nodes being the vertices of your shapes, the edges if exists being the strokes between 2 vertices). (eulerian path)
Here are the 15 unique shapes which I used to build the patterns with:
I have more then 400 patterns(3 patterns already shown below) and till now I am not able to find a generic solution for this. I have manually got the x y coordinates of the patterns and placed it in sequence. But that is not at all scalable.
How to trace the patterns such that each node is visited only once ?:
1st kind of pattern and the way it should be drawn:
2nd kind of pattern and the way it should be drawn:
3rd kind of pattern and the way it should be drawn:
1 Answers
Answers 1
Perhaps you can look into the traveling salesman problem if your still struggling with the above. TSP visits cities only once. And if in your case each node is a crossing for your strike-through then this might help.
Check here for the python code to look at. I've checked and the print statement looks nice and structured. Well done cMinor!
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