Thursday, December 21, 2017

Background image disappears after navigating back and forth several times React native

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I have made a simple view with a background image and some icons on top of it. Clicking on icons navigate to different pages. It is working fine. Problem is when I navigate to other pages come back to home page and do this for 7-8 times the background image just disappears from all the screens. Below is the code of home screen and Screenshots

  <Image   source={require('../images/background.jpg')}   style={{     justifyContent:'center',                                                            resizeMode: "stretch",     height: height,     width: width,     alignItems: "center"   }} >   <StatusBar   backgroundColor="#4e0870"   barStyle="light-content"  /> <Image style={{ height: 125, width: 125 }} source={require('../images/guru_logo.png')} />  <View style={{   marginTop: 30,   flexDirection: 'row' }}>   <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={.5} onPress={() => {     BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButton);     navigate("LiveTV")   }   }   >     <Image       source={require('../images/live.png')}       style={{         resizeMode: "stretch",         height: 75,         width: 75       }} /></TouchableOpacity>   <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={.5} onPress={() => {     BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButton);     navigate("VideoPage")   }}>      <Image       source={require('../images/youtube.png')}       style={{         marginTop: 5,          resizeMode: "stretch",         marginLeft: 100,         height: 75,         width: 75       }} />   </TouchableOpacity> </View> <View    style={{      flexDirection: 'row',     marginTop: 20   }}>   <Text     style={{       marginLeft: -5,       fontSize: 20,       color: "#FFF"     }}>Live Tv</Text>   <Text     style={{       fontSize: 20,       color: "#FFF",       marginLeft: 125     }}>Video</Text> </View> <View   style={{      flexDirection: 'row',     marginTop: 20   }}>   <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={.5} onPress={() => {     BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButton);     navigate("FacebookPage")   }}>     <Image       source={require('../images/facebook-logo.png')}       style={{         resizeMode: "stretch",         height: 75,         width: 75       }} /></TouchableOpacity>   <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={.5} onPress={() => {     BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButton);     navigate("AudioPage")   }}>     <Image       source={require('../images/icon.png')}       style={{         resizeMode: "stretch",         marginLeft: 100,         height: 75,         width: 75       }} /></TouchableOpacity> </View> <View   style={{      flexDirection: 'row',     marginTop: 20   }}>   <Text     style={{       marginLeft: -20,       fontSize: 20,       color: "#FFF"     }}>Facebook</Text>    <Text     style={{       fontSize: 20,       color: "#FFF",       marginLeft: 110     }}>Audio</Text> </View>  <TouchableOpacity  activeOpacity={.5} onPress={() => {   BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackButton);   navigate("ContactPage") }}>   <Image     source={require('../images/contact.png')}     style={{         marginTop: 20,       resizeMode: "stretch",       height: 75,       width: 75     }} /></TouchableOpacity> <Text style={{   fontSize: 20,   color: "#FFF" }}>Contact Us</Text> </Image>           

invisible view
Normal view

2 Answers

Answers 1

Every time you navigate to that screen, it calls a re-render. I work around i've found in the past is to define your image sources as a variable, and simply reference it in the source = {HERE} section. I've provided some sample code below. This has fixed this issue in the past, let me know how it goes.

var images = {     live: {img: require('../images/live.png')},     guru: {img: require('../images/guru_logo.png')},     background: {img: require('../images/background.jpg')},     //and so on  }  class SelectionScreen extends Component {     //all your other code 

and then in your Image components

<Image source = {images[background].img}.../> 

Answers 2

I think it could be related to this react-native issue:

I would try to:

  • Run the app on different phones / emulators to see if it depends on device specifications (like RAM and others). If the app is for both Android and iOS I would also try to see if it's same behaviour on both platforms;
  • Replace temporary the images with some other smaller/larger images to see if it changes somehow the issue;
  • Upgrade React Native if necessary and use BackgroundImage component for background images instead of Image.
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