Sunday, December 3, 2017

CSS:Spinner overwrite the original spinner's settings, need different css setting for each spinner

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I have two type of spinner in ionic 1 framework. The ionic spinner originally has the dark background. Therefore, I turn it off with the code below.


.constant('$ionicLoadingConfig', {     noBackdrop: true,     //duration: 1800,     animation: 'fade-in',     template: '<ion-spinner icon="crescent" class="spinner-energized"></ion-spinner>',  }) 


.loading{   background-color:transparent!important; } 

However, I need a page with a different from others spinner. Only for the page special.js where I want the spinner with the original dark background. However, with the code I set, the spinner setting at app.js is overwrite.


        $scope.$on("$ionicView.afterEnter",             function (event, data) {                 ${                     noBackdrop: true, duration: 1888,                     template: '<ion-spinner icon="dots" class="spinner-balanced"></ion-spinner> <br/>Analyzing'                  });                 $scope.watchLists = $watcherFactory.getWatchLists();                 $scope.currentWatchList = window.localStorage.getItem('currentWatchList');                 console.log($scope.currentWatchList);                 if ($scope.watchLists.length > 0)                     $scope.getWatchedStocks();                 else {                     $ionicLoading.hide();                     $scope.currentWatchList = "_";                 } 


.loading{   background-color:black!important; } 

How to make the spinner in special.css limited to that page only and not overwrite all the spinner?

Currently, background is set to black for all spinner

The spinner that I wanted when app.js loading is (orange color, it is not that obvious) enter image description here

The spinner that I wanted when special.js loading is enter image description here

Note that in the mobile app, user will jump from page to another page and I just want the special.js page to have the spinner with dark background. app.js spinner is consider the default spinner in the app except when special.js is called.



.loading {     background-color:transparent!important; } .special-page .loading {     background-color:black!important; } 


    $rootScope.isSpecial = true;      $scope.$on('$destroy', function()                 {delete $rootScope.isSpecial});        $scope.$on("$ionicView.afterEnter",         function (event, data) {             ${                 noBackdrop: true, duration: 1888,                 template: '<ion-spinner icon="dots" class="spinner-balanced"></ion-spinner> <br/>Analyzing'              });             $scope.watchLists = $watcherFactory.getWatchLists();             $scope.currentWatchList = window.localStorage.getItem('currentWatchList');             console.log($scope.currentWatchList);             if ($scope.watchLists.length > 0)                 $scope.getWatchedStocks();             else {                 $ionicLoading.hide();                 $scope.currentWatchList = "_";             }            }     ); 

The default spinner shows transparent background but the spcial.js still show tansparent background instead of black

2 Answers

Answers 1

$ionicLoading appends div.loading-container to <body>, I can not simply use a single selector to control it over different pages; therefore the problem becomes how I can change <body>'s class when special page is entered, my solution is not elegant, but suppose to work:

  • add a ngClass to body: <body ng-class="{'special-page': isSpecialPage}">, it will be triggered when isSpecialPage is true
  • inject $rootScope for the controller of special.js, and:
    • put $rootScope.isSpecialPage = true at the beginning of controller, so <body> will have a special-page class when this page (ui state) is entered
    • listen to $destroy event, change $rootScope.isSpecialPage = false, so special-page is removed when scope is destroyed (state changed)
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {     $rootScope.isSpecialPage = false; }); 
  • now you can write css like:
.loading {     background-color:transparent!important; } .special-page .loading {     background-color:black!important; } 

Add minimal sample:

angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])  .controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $timeout, $ionicLoading, $rootScope) {      function showLoading() {      // Setup the loader      ${        content: 'Loading',        animation: 'fade-in',        showBackdrop: true,        maxWidth: 200,        showDelay: 0      });        $timeout(function () {        $ionicLoading.hide();        $scope.msg = 'content loaded ' + new Date();      }, 2000);    }        $scope.showLoading = function(isSpecial) {      $rootScope.isSpecial = isSpecial;      showLoading();    }  });
.loading {    background-color: transparent !important;  }    .special-page .loading {    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;  }
<html ng-app="ionicApp">    <head>      <meta charset="utf-8">      <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">             <title>Ionic Modal</title>        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">      <script src=""></script>    </head>    <body ng-controller="AppCtrl" ng-class="{'special-page': isSpecial}">              <ion-view title="Home">          <ion-header-bar>            <h1 class="title">Sample Ionic Loading</h1>          </ion-header-bar>          <ion-content has-header="true">            <ion-list>              <ion-item ng-click="showLoading();">Click to show transparent Loading</ion-item>              <ion-item ng-click="showLoading(true);">Click to show special Loading</ion-item>              <ion-item ng-if="msg">{{msg}}</ion-item>            </ion-list>          </ion-content>        </ion-view>          </body>  </html>

Answers 2

What have you done so far is right. You can remove the original spinner again or make it to what you want when you leave the special.js page,

//in your special.js controller $scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function () {          //your custom spinner here }); 

Usefull links,

  1. if using state provider - $stateChangeStart

  2. if using location provider - $locationChangeStart

why css matters? you can set the css again to transparent in each page?

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