Thursday, December 21, 2017

Getting source maps working

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I'm really struggling to get source map to work. When I run my app, I'm seeing an error in the console -- see below: enter image description here

When I click the fineUploaderTest-bundle.js:1 link, I get no code whatsoever -- see below: enter image description here

At the bottom of that window, notice that it reads:

source mapped from fineUploaderTest-bundle.js

My Webpack version is 2.7.0 and here's the webpack.config.js file:

var IS_DEV = false;  var webpack = require('webpack'); var path = require("path");  // Define plugins needed for production and dev cases var _pluginsDev = [     new webpack.ProvidePlugin({         'fetch': 'imports-loader?this=>global!exports-loader?global.fetch!whatwg-fetch',         moment: 'moment',         ps: 'perfect-scrollbar'     }),  ]; var _pluginsProd = [     new webpack.ProvidePlugin({         'fetch': 'imports-loader?this=>global!exports-loader?global.fetch!whatwg-fetch',         moment: 'moment',         ps: 'perfect-scrollbar'     }),     new webpack.DefinePlugin({ // Minimizer, removing multiple occurances of imports et.c         'process.env': {             'NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production')         }     }),     new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({         minimize: true,         compress: true,         sourceMap: true,         output: { comments: false }     }) ];  var _devtool = IS_DEV ? 'eval' : 'inline-cheap-module-source-map'; var _plugins = IS_DEV ? _pluginsDev : _pluginsProd; var _fileName = IS_DEV ? "./build/[name]-bundle.js" : "./dist/[name]-bundle.js";  var _bundles = {     login: './UI/components/login/login.jsx',     fineUploaderTest: './UI/components/test.jsx' };  module.exports = {     entry: _bundles,     output: {         path: path.resolve(__dirname, "wwwroot"),         publicPath: "/",         filename: _fileName     },     devtool: _devtool,     plugins: _plugins,     module: {         rules: [             {                 test: /\.jsx?$/,                 exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,                 use: {                     loader: "babel-loader",                     options: {                         presets: ['es2015', 'stage-2', 'stage-0', 'react']                     }                 }             }         ]     },     resolve: {         extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']     } } 

What am I doing wrong here?

2 Answers

Answers 1

You might try another value for devtool. I usually use source-map in production. It looks like you're using inline-cheap-module-source-map when IS_DEV = false, which may not be as accurate

See here for the suggested options in production.

Answers 2

How are you running webpack? I assume in production mode you are also using the -p flag?

Webpack will not output a source-map of type inline-cheap-module-source-map when in production mode (ref:

To get some output in production mode i'd also recommend switching inline-cheap-module-source-map for source-map.

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