Friday, December 22, 2017

Save location in mongodb

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I'm trying to save coordinates in my 2dsphere model.

This is my model:

var userSchema   = new Schema({   email: {       type: String,       required: true,       unique: true     },     ...     loc: {       type: {           type: "String",           required: true,           enum: ['Point', 'LineString', 'Polygon'],           default: 'Point'       },       coordinates: [Number]     }  }); userSchema.index({'loc': '2dsphere'}); const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema); module.exports = User 

My query to save new data is formated as follow: password:t12345 name:Igor type:true loc:{ coordinates: [-43.306174, -22.844279] } 

And this is the error that I recieve:

{     "code": 16804,     "index": 0,     "errmsg": "location object expected, location array not in correct format",     "op": {         "email": "",         "password": "t12345",         "name": "Igor",         "_id": "5a311c016d15fc235895bef3",         "created_at": "2017-12-13T12:24:33.493Z",         "loc": {             "coordinates": [],             "type": "Point"         },         "type": true,         "__v": 0     } } 

2 Answers

Answers 1

You may have both 2d and 2dsphere index on collection.

The error below indicates you have a 2d index.

"errmsg": "location object expected, location array not in correct format", 

So when you try to save spherical coordinates ({"loc": {"coordinates": [23, 25],"type": "Point"}) you get the error when mongodb builds the index.

The error (first part & second part) below indicates you have a 2d sphere index.

"errmsg": "Can't extract geo keys: {...loc: { coordinates: [23, 25] }} unknown GeoJSON type 

So when you change to {"loc": {"coordinates": [23, 25] }}, 2d sphere index fails to build.

You can verify the indexes. db.users.getIndexes()

Drop the 2d index (still there for backward compatibility). 2d sphere index supports both legacy coordinates (eg {"loc":[23, 25]}) and geo coordinates.

db.users.dropIndex( "loc_2d" )  

This should work when 2d sphere index rebuilds index for collection.

Drop the collection and start over if above solution doesn't work.


Answers 2

  1. All your documents' loc property must follow geoJSON format. I see some documents are with a empty array of coordinates in loc property which is wrong.

    "loc": {       "coordinates": [],  //should NOT be an empty array, should be with 2 number items such as [ -43.306174, -22.844279]     "type": "Point"   },   
  2. Make sure that some wrong-format documents are cleared up. Keep all documents are following valid formats.

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