Wednesday, December 27, 2017

UITextView in custom inputaccessoryView not resigning first responder status

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I have a chat application that implements a floating text input field (similar to the iOS Messages app) as the inputAccessoryView of my ChatViewController (see Apple's documentation).

class ChatViewController: UIViewController {      override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {        return chatInputView     }      override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {         return true     }     ... 

My ChatViewController has a ChatTableViewController child view controller, which has cells containing UITextFields whose text content is editable. The issue I'm running into is that when the user taps on a cell's UITextField, the inputAccessoryView's UITextView refuses to resign first responder status, which prevents the content in the UITableViewCell from being edited. The following warning is logged in the console:

 First responder warning: '<UITextView: 0x7fc041041c00;   frame = ...' rejected resignFirstResponder when being removed from hierarchy 

I've tried calling resignFirstResponder and endEditing on the UIInputView and UITextView directly with no success. I don't want the ChatViewController to resign first responder status as that would cause the inputAccessoryView to disappear.

1 Answers

Answers 1

Could you please check the following:

If UITextView is removed from super view:

  • Is the UITextView being removed from the view hierarchy ?
  • If so could you resignFirstResponder before removing it from the super view.

If UITextView subclass is being used:

  • Are you using a subclass of UITextView, if so have you implemented canResignFirstResponder to return false.
  • Could you try returning true instead.
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