Sunday, January 21, 2018

jQuery UI autocomplete in remote modal RoR

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I am trying to implement jquery ui autocomplete in my remote modal and it doesn't work whereas autocomplete works on regular static pages.

For the remote modal, I am using a combination of gems: modal-responder-rails and rails-bootstrap-modal

Here is my autocomplete code:

jQuery(function() {   var data = $('#book_subcategory_name').data('autocomplete-source');   var NoResultsLabel = "No Results";   return $('[id*="book_subcategory_name"]').autocomplete({     delay: 0,   position: {     my: "left+0 top+4"   },   source: function(request, response) {             var results = $.ui.autocomplete.filter(data, request.term);             if (!results.length) {               results = [NoResultsLabel];             }             response(results);            },   select: function (event, ui) {             if (ui.item.label === NoResultsLabel) {               event.preventDefault();             }           },   focus: function (event, ui) {            if (ui.item.label === NoResultsLabel) {              event.preventDefault();            }          }   }); // End of return }); // End of jQuery    // Sets autocomplete drop down width equal to the root element width jQuery.ui.autocomplete.prototype._resizeMenu = function () {   var ul =;   ul.outerWidth(this.element.outerWidth()); } 

Here is my modal, which I copied from this article.


$(function() {   var modal_holder_selector, modal_selector;     modal_holder_selector = '#modal-holder';     modal_selector = '.modal';   $(document).on('click', 'a[data-modal]', function() {     var location;     location = $(this).attr('href');     $.get(location, function(data) {       return        $(modal_holder_selector).html(data).find(modal_selector).modal();     });     return false;   });   return $(document).on('ajax:success', 'form[data-modal]',     function(event, data, status, xhr) {     var url;     url = xhr.getResponseHeader('Location');     if (url) {       window.location = url;     } else {       $('.modal-backdrop').remove();       $(modal_holder_selector).html(data).find(modal_selector).modal();     }     return false;   }); }); 

The idea is to create a remote modal controller where you can add a new book. I have a multi-step registration which means that my modal has to redirect to a new page: general information if the information correct but I can't validate the forms since my JavaScript doesn't work...

I tried to overwrite z-index and also tried to use !important in my css and it still doesn't work. Also, if I look into my browser console, I can clearly see that all of the data appears in my input field (note: all of my data comes from the database) as shown below:

<input data-autocomplete-source="["Sci-fi","Adventure"...] /> 

I don't see any problem with the code and I can't figure out the problem. Can someone please help me to solve the problem? Thank you very much for you help and time.


As long as I understand, my problem comes from the rendered action page. Since I am rendering my modal body, javascript doesn't work.

One of the solutions I found is to add

respond_to do |format|   format.js { ... } end 

somewhere in your create method (or action) which will identify the create.js.erb in your assets. However, if you want to render a static content (ex. map), I am not sure what to do here because in order to define a modal, you have to add respond_with_modal @books inside your controller under the method that you want to use.

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