I am sending a https get request to an external api.
First I created the https agent as below:
import https from 'https'; const KeepAliveAgent = new https.Agent( { keepAlive: true } );
then set the request options as below:
let options = { url: 'externalapiurl', method: "GET", qs: queryString, agent: KeepAliveAgent };
I just mentioned sample strings for url and qs, in the original request I am using the actual api url and querystring, then I am sending the request as below:
console.time( "requestTime" ); request( options, ( err, response, body ) => { if ( err ) { logger.warn( err.message ); } console.timeEnd( "requestTime" ); });
This is working fine, but I am printing the time taken for response above and this time is much more when I send the request behind a proxy, when I doesn't use proxy it's taking less than half second but with proxy it's taking around 3 secs, so it seems the "keep alive" is not working behind the proxy, how to make this work? I tried same request using https-proxy-agent node module, but still the issue persists, appreciate any help.
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