Thursday, March 8, 2018

How to pass nested JSON from dataframe while adding another field?

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I have a dataframe that I need to pass as a nested json string into an email service provider api as a json string.

My dataframe looks like this:

email_address     first_name       last_name            adam             apple            bobby            banana 

The contacts in the dataframe is what I need to pass into the email service provider API, and this needs be a nested JSON string like so:

{     "import_data": [{         "email_addresses": [""],         "first_name": "Hector",         "last_name": "Smith"     }, {         "email_addresses": [""],         "first_name": "Jane",         "last_name": "Doe"     }, {         "email_addresses": [""],         "first_name": "Pradeep",         "last_name": "Patel"     }],     "lists": ["1234567890"] } 

I am not sure how I would create nested json string via the 'to_json' command from pandas and at the same time insert the word "import_data" as above into the json string. I know I can hard code the a column with in the dataframe for "lists" and pass that in as well. List ID will always be static.

Here is code for my API response:

headers = {      'Authorization': '',     'X-Originating-Ip': '',     'Content-Type': '',      }  update_contact = '{"import_data": [{"email_addresses": [""],"first_name": "test","last_name": "test"},{"email_addresses": [""],"first_name": "Jane","last_name": "Doe"}, {"email_addresses": [""],"first_name": "Pradeep","last_name": "Patel"}],"lists": ["1234567890"]}'  r ='url', headers=headers ,data = update_contact)  print(r.text) 

3 Answers

Answers 1

I believe the API asked for application/json, if this is really the case, you should send it like this

headers = {}  update_contact = {"import_data": [{"email_addresses": [""],"first_name": "test","last_name": "test"},{"email_addresses": [""],"first_name": "Jane","last_name": "Doe"}, {"email_addresses": [""],"first_name": "Pradeep","last_name": "Patel"}],"lists": ["1234567890"]}  r ='url', headers=headers ,json= update_contact)  print(r.text) 

Answers 2

Format the data using orient='records' of to_dict(), then just format your the dictionary to json

#converted emails to list, may not be necessary... df.email_address = df.email_address.apply(lambda x: [x])  import json  update_contact = json.dumps({'import_data':df.to_dict(orient='records'),                              'lists':["1234567890"]}) 

Answers 3

You can use json_variable.append(NewValues) so that it will append any of your data blocks into a json value. Refer to below skeleton and re-build according to your inputs.

enter code here   import json Json_List=[]  for i in Excel_data:     Newdata = {     'Name':Read_name_From_Excel(i),     'Age':Read_age_From_Excel(i),     'Email':Read_Email_From_Excel(i),     'Amount':Read_Amount_From_Excel(i)     }      Json_List.append(Newdata) 
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