Monday, March 26, 2018

How to return value from webView.evaluateJavascript callback?

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So I have a class named JavascriptBridge that I use to communicate between Java and Javascript.

To send commands to javascript, I simply use this:

public void sendDataToJs(String command) {     webView.loadUrl("javascript:(function() { " + command + "})()"); } 

My problem is that I would also need a function that return a response from the Javascript. I try using webView.evaluateJavascript, but it skip the callback, as evaluateJavascript is done on another thread.

public String getDataFromJs(String command, WebView webView) {     String data = null;      webView.evaluateJavascript("(function() { return " + command + "; })();", new ValueCallback<String>() {         @Override         public void onReceiveValue(String s) {             Log.d("LogName", s); // Print "test"             // data = s; // The value that I would like to return         }     });      return data; // Return null, not "test" } 

The call to the method:

String result = getDataFromJs("test", webView); // Should return "test" from the webView 

I've also tried using a @JavascriptInterface, but it gives the same result.

2 Answers

Answers 1

There isn't a way to evaluate Javascript synchronously on Android (i.e. on the current thread) so your best bet is to use evaluateJavascript then wait for the callback:

public void getDataFromJs(String command, WebView webView) {     webView.evaluateJavascript("(function() { return " + command + "; })();", new ValueCallback<String>() {         @Override         public void onReceiveValue(String s) {             returnDataFromJs(s);         }     }); }  public returnDataFromJs(String data) {     // Do something with the result. } 

There isn't a method to evaluate Javascript on the current thread, as Javascript operations can take a while (the JS engine needs time to spin up) and this can block the current thread.

Answers 2

I have written a small code snippet in Kotlin that could help you. I wrote this using RxKotlin but if you use Java you can use RxJava2 since they are the same.

fun getDataFromJsSync(command: String, webView: WebView): String {     return getDataFromJs(command, webView).blockingGet() }  fun getDataFromJs(command: String, webView: WebView): Single<String> {     return Single.create { emitter: SingleEmitter<String> ->         try {             webView.evaluateJavascript(                     "(function() { return $command; })();",                     { result -> emitter.onSuccess(result) }             )         } catch (e: Exception) {             emitter.onError(e)         }     } } 

P.S. I haven't tested the functions and cannot guarantee that they work but I don't have time and will test them and rewrite them in Java when I have time, probably in a 5 hours max.

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