Thursday, March 22, 2018

JSONObject don't Get data from QR code

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When I scan QR code it's getting a data on result.getContents but didn't pass the data on JSONObject obj just directing go on Catch block

data get pass to this line JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result.getContents()); but when start to Debug then its not pass the data on 'obj' in above line.

here is my code :

@Override     protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {         IntentResult result = IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);         if (result != null) {             //if qrcode has nothing in it             if (result.getContents() == null) {                 Toast.makeText(this, "Result Not Found", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();             } else {                 //if qr contains data                 try {                     //converting the data to json                     JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result.getContents());                     //setting values to textviews                      if(obj.has("FN")) {                         etFirstName.setText(obj.getString("FN"));                     }                     if(obj.has("N")) {                         etLastName.setText(obj.getString("LN"));                     }                     if(obj.has("TITLE")) {                         etTitle.setText(obj.getString("TITLE"));                     }                     if(obj.has("STATUS")) {                         etStatus.setText(obj.getString("STATUS"));                     }                     if(obj.has("EMAIL")) {                         etEmail.setText(obj.getString("EMAIL"));                     }                     if(obj.has("TEL;TYPE=work")) {                         etPhoneHome.setText(obj.getString("TEL;TYPE=work"));                     }                     if(obj.has("TEL;TYPE=cell")) {                         etPhonePrimary.setText(obj.getString("TEL;TYPE=cell"));                     }                     if(obj.has("ADR;TYPE=work")) {                         etAddressLine1.setText(obj.getString("ADR;TYPE=work"));                     }                     if(obj.has("Street")) {                         etAddressLine2.setText(obj.getString("Street"));                     }                     if(obj.has("Street")) {                         etCity.setText(obj.getString("Street"));                     }                     if(obj.has("zip")) {                         etZip.setText(obj.getString("zip"));                     }                   } catch (JSONException e) {                      Log.e(TAG, "notification= error" + e.toString());                     e.printStackTrace();                      /*etFirstName.setText(result.getContents());                     etLastName.setText(result.getContents());                     etTitle.setText(result.getContents());                     etEmail.setText(result.getContents());*/                     //if control comes here                     //that means the encoded format not matches                     //in this case you can display whatever data is available on the qrcode                     //to a toast                     Toast.makeText(this, result.getContents(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                 }             }         } else {             super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);         }     } 

Logcat see below :

03-09 11:23:06.909 297-678/? E/SimpleSoftOMXComponent: 3 03-09 11:23:07.127 297-665/? E/audio_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null 03-09 11:23:12.899 26980-26980/com.example.crm E/AddContactActivity: notification= errororg.json.JSONException: Value BEGIN of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject 03-09 11:23:13.040 297-8371/? E/SimpleSoftOMXComponent: 1 03-09 11:23:13.040 297-8371/? E/SimpleSoftOMXComponent: 2 03-09 11:23:13.041 297-8371/? E/SimpleSoftOMXComponent: 3 

JSON Response Data like below code:

BEGIN:VCARD, VERSION:2.1 FN:sss sss N:sss;sss TITLE:PHD TEL;CELL:1111111111 TEL;WORK;VOICE:2222222222 TEL;HOME;VOICE:8888888888 EMAIL;HOME; EMAIL;WORK; URL:http://ABC@ABC.COM ADR:;;sample address;ss;;102103;US ORG:ss END:VCARD 

Search everywhere but I don't get any result for this problem so plzzz help me:)

Thanks&Regards Sandeep Patel

5 Answers

Answers 1

In Catch Block try below code :

catch (JSONException e) {                  Log.e(TAG, "notification= error" + e.toString());                 e.printStackTrace();                  etFirstName.setText(result.getContents());                 etLastName.setText(result.getContents());                 etTitle.setText(result.getContents());                 etEmail.setText(result.getContents());                 //if control comes here                 //that means the encoded format not matches                 //in this case you can display whatever data is available on the qrcode                 //to a toast                 Toast.makeText(this, result.getContents(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();             } 

in this fields u get the data of QR

hope it's help for u :)

Answers 2

Here is my solution for you. If you getting response data like

        "         BEGIN:VCARD,         VERSION:2.1         FN:sss sss         N:sss;sss         TITLE:PHD         TEL;CELL:1111111111         TEL;WORK;VOICE:2222222222         TEL;HOME;VOICE:8888888888         EMAIL;HOME;         EMAIL;WORK;         URL:http://ABC@ABC.COM         ADR:;;sample address;ss;;102103;US         ORG:ss         END:VCARD         " this than forgot the json object concept. 

Use the vcard library. you can get vcard library from here

By using this library you can get any contact data you want using below code and you can set in your editext.

String str =     "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n" +     "VERSION:4.0\r\n" +     "N:Doe;Jonathan;;Mr;\r\n" +     "FN:John Doe\r\n" +     "END:VCARD\r\n";`          VCard vcard = Ezvcard.parse(str).first();         String fullName = vcard.getFormattedName().getValue();         String lastName = vcard.getStructuredName().getFamily(); 

Still if you have any doubt how to do this. You can ask me further.

Answers 3

Your data is not JSON, see what JSONLint reports on your output. The errororg.json.JSONException informs you, that in the beginning of your string, the phrase "BEGIN" is not allowed in Json.

{     "json": "looks like this",     "key": "value" } 

As your data seems to be vCard, you need a different parsing library, e.g.

String str = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n" + "VERSION:4.0\r\n" + "N:Doe;Jonathan;;Mr;\r\n" + "FN:John Doe\r\n" + "END:VCARD\r\n";  VCard vcard = Ezvcard.parse(str).first(); String fullName = vcard.getFormattedName().getValue(); String lastName = vcard.getStructuredName().getFamily(); 

So in your code snippet:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {     IntentResult result = IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);     if (result != null) {         //if qrcode has nothing in it         if (result.getContents() == null) {             Toast.makeText(this, "Result Not Found", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();         } else {             //if qr contains data             try {                 //converting the data to vCard object                 VCard vcard = Ezvcard.parse(result.getContents()).first();                 //setting values to textviews                  // "given name" is the first name                 etFirstName.setText(vcard.getStructuredName().getGiven());                  // "family name" is the last name                 etLastName.setText(vcard.getStructuredName().getFamily());                 ... 

Answers 4

Check your string data. Make sure Your String data is json object.

Print in log your string and check whether it is json or not.

Answers 5

The content is not JSON, so you cannot convert it to JSONObject. You may need a parser for Vcard. Search for some library in Github or write your own.

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