Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Android SMS app ignores a trailing “?” when the URL containing a trailing “?” is clicked

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I send an SMS saying "Click on"

When I receive this SMS on an Android phone, only the is clickable. The "?" is visible in the SMS, but is not part of the clickable URL.

Is there some way to escape the ? or do some other workaround so that click on the link goes to

EDIT: Forget Android - even on this page on stackoverflow - the "?" is not part of the clickable link

3 Answers

Answers 1

Can you replace the question mark (?) by %3F


Answers 2

This appears to be correct behaviour (as far as I have observed on other systems) - an empty query string (effectively a dangling question mark) is not necessarily part of the URL so appears as punctuation.

As a workaround my suggestion is to ensure you always provide a parameter: 

Ideally you can find something that makes the link enticing to the user (rather than only confusing): 

Because these are not query parameters you are actually using, they should not affect your page processing

Answers 3

Hi you can send by converting to short url by and you can get same as expected .

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