I have a view controller with a tableview in it. Pulling down on the tableview expands the navigationbar as expected but the bottom hair line flickers. Has anyone faced this problem before?
4 Answers
Answers 1
- Please check that your
's content (cells, header) are clipped to bounds. - The issue may be with shadows, if you use them. (Can not tell for sure)
Answers 2
Find the source of the dark gray color and change it to UIColor.clear
I would guess it's the background color of the top UIView and as it expands and contracts its size, there's a 0.5px delay every few pixels.
It's hard to tell without seeing your code.
Answers 3
Try Insert "self.view.layoutSubviews()" in your tableView code.
Answers 4
The easiest possible solution will be simply set self.tableView.separatorColor = UIColor.clear & add a label(identical to seprator line)inside your tableview cell or header.
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