Thursday, May 31, 2018

How to create simple 2-page site using 2 markdown files in github pages?

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I am trying to make a very simple site in github pages that will only have two pages: a homepage and an about page.

I would like each of these pages to be generated from markdown files.

The homepage is easy, I just put the homepage markdown in and it shows up at

Is there a simple way to add a second markdown page?

I understand github pages uses jekyll and I can do this by creating an entire jekyll blog, but that seems like overkill for what I want to do. What's the simplest way to add a markdown file to the github repo and have a working url to a rendering of it.

This is not a blog. There will never be more than these two pages

2 Answers

Answers 1

I solved the issue.

The key is to include this at the top of the about markdown

--- title: Title --- 

This helps github pages know the page is a markdown file that needs to be rendered.

The about page can be placed in the repo in an file, and linked to from the main file

Answers 2

just create a file with the content.
than you can link from your to your like so:
[YourLinkText For About](

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