Sunday, June 17, 2018

“Sudo su - weblogic” via a Java Program?

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I am trying to connect my remote unix machine and execute some ssh commands using a java program.

connection = new Connection(hostname);                                                   connection.connect(); boolean isAuthenticated = connection.authenticateWithPassword(username, password); if (isAuthenticated == false)     throw new IOException("Authentication failed.");     Session session = connection.openSession(); session.execCommand("sudo su - weblogic");   

Here it needs password again & ofcrs, I can't provide because there is no terminal. So created a file @ my unix user home direcotry (/home/..../bharat) with below content.

echo <mypassword> | sudo -S su - weblogic sudo -S su - weblogic 

but now if I call bash like below


after logging in with my user in java, it gives below error & could not figure out the resolution for this yet.

sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo 

Please help :)

1 Answers

Answers 1

As you and @rkosegi say, su needs a terminal session for the password.

It looks like the Ganymed SSH-2 library in the example? This has an option for a shell session. Clearly you now need to handle reading and writing through stdout and stdin directly though.

For example, with a couple of methods to keep it simpler:

public class SshTerminal {     private Connection connection;     private Session session;      private Reader reader;     private PrintWriter writer;     private String lastResponse;      public SshTerminal(String hostname, String username, String password)             throws JSchException, IOException {         connection = new Connection(hostname);         connection.connect();         boolean isAuthenticated = connection.authenticateWithPassword(username,                 password);         if (isAuthenticated == false)             throw new IOException("Authentication failed.");         session = connection.openSession();         session.requestDumbPTY();         session.startShell();          writer = new PrintWriter(session.getStdin());         reader = new InputStreamReader(session.getStdout());     }      public void send(String command) {         writer.print(command + "\n");         writer.flush();     }      public void waitFor(String expected) throws IOException {         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();         char[] chars = new char[256];         while (buf.indexOf(expected) < 0) {             int length =;             System.out.print(new String(chars, 0, length));             buf.append(chars, 0, length);         }          int echoEnd = buf.indexOf("\n");         int nextPrompt = buf.lastIndexOf("\n");         if (nextPrompt > echoEnd)             lastResponse = buf.substring(echoEnd + 1, nextPrompt);         else             lastResponse = "";     }      public String getLastResponse() {         return lastResponse;     }      public void disconnect() {         session.close();         connection.close();     } } 

This then worked fine:

    SshTerminal term = new SshTerminal(host, username, password);      term.waitFor("$ ");     term.send("su -");     term.waitFor("Password: ");     term.send(rootPassword);     term.waitFor("# ");     term.send("ls /root");     term.waitFor("# ");     term.send("cat /file-not-found 2>&1");     term.waitFor("# ");      term.send("cat /var/log/messages");     term.waitFor("# ");     String logFileContent = term.getLastResponse();      term.send("exit");     term.waitFor("$ ");     term.send("exit");      term.disconnect();      String[] lines = logFileContent.split("\n");     for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)"Line {} out of {}: {}", i + 1, lines.length, lines[i]); 

That includes examples of parsing the lines in a response, and forcing error output through.

Clearly some of the responses there might be different in your environment.

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